Usogui - Vol. 42 Ch. 454 - A Small Trigger

Double-page supporter
Sep 6, 2018
Yep, end of the batch.

Wow, you're right, that dialogue reads totally differently now. Such a good foreshadow!

I really liked reading the terrorist arc dialogue too, knowing what we know now. There was a small part where says "Who is that?" (referring to Baku) and then later saying something like "I dont recall saying any lies whatsoever" in their talk (so he honestly did not remember Baku, despite playing StL with him). Then in that golf game, it shows he has good memory even for trivial things (recalling shot counts), so it's weird he doesn't remember Baku. So all that together is a big hint of his memory loss condition.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 27, 2019
Goodbye Hachina/Hal. Hello Souichi.

I think I see the path to victory. Either Baku communicated with Souichi via those mnemonics he was writing on the table by using the sound/vibrations (very unlikely), or Souichi and Baku are so in sync that he realizes that because Baku's hands have lower numbers, it's better to save the best hand for last, and thus he creates a bad hand for the 26 of this turn, leaving the possibility for the straight flush open with the 25 on the last round. All Souichi has to do is not use the 6 of clubs. So excluding the possibility of Fukurou fucking up his hand (which I don't think is likely, since Baku will lose this round and thus the punishment will go to Souichi, making Fukurou even more convinced of their victory), the only way to win is to either fail at choosing a hand with the correct sum intentionally, not choosing a hand in time, use a previously used card, or choose a suboptimal hand; then choosing the straight flush for the 25 on the last round. So it'll be up to Souichi from now on, Baku is completely trusting Souichi at this point. If anyone can think of another way for Baku to win, let me know.

Thank you as always Team Duwang for the insane batch! I love you all.
Group Leader
Jan 20, 2019
@the9813 Is there a problem with that?

Also, my reaction to page 15: Yooo this is nuts!!
And then page 18: Yo...
P.S. Fantastic explanation page at the end as always. Makes me wish I could read the manga fluently in Japanese.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 18, 2018
Ah woops, for some reason i thought 25 wasnt even a choice. Is there any mega's with ALL the chapters? Im considering storytiming this.
Active member
Mar 20, 2019
It's also interesting how Hal seems to have a different perspective of perfection than Souichi in this chapter. Souichi doesn't seem to value the past and only take what is needed, while Hal in this chapter claims that to be perfect, he wants everything back. Even before Air Poker started, Hal wanted the memory of what happened to him from Fukurou as the wager. I'm certain that if it was Souichi, he wouldn't have cared.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
So... is Baku counting on Hal not making the best possible hand?
Hal doesn't seems in the right state to play poker, but i find it hard to believe that Baku was able to predict that, unless he is aware that Hal loses his memory each time he makes a mistake, in that case he probably counting on his loses having put Hal on his current state.
Aggregator gang
Jan 23, 2018
What am I going to think about without Usogui every day? Thanks scanlators.

The character development this chapter is really good and the art in the spread is cool. Toshio's art has been getting so much better over the course of the series. I think there is a good chance that Leader isn't even fully the same Souichi who we saw earlier in the manga. As I've suspected, there are lapses in memory that nobody may have noticed or known about in order to have Souichi re-memorize what happened in his life. So if Leader really gets *all* his memories back, it will include things that Souichi from earlier in the manga *didn't* remember. So that might be meaningful to his relationship with Baku and the StL game.

It's pretty obvious what needs to happen next. New re-integrated Leader needs to make a losing hand this round so he can preserve the win next turn. Fukurou has already shown that he is terrified of the next witch pain and dedicated to winning, which blinds him to this option of not making the best hand. Baku and Leader have way better sync than Lalo and Fukurou. Now that he has figured himself out (years of therapy in one minute!) Leader will definitely endure the pain of losing one more time for the full win. And maybe this time it will be the gunshot to the head - and he will show that it doesn't affect him the way it did last time. *cue dramatic music*
Double-page supporter
Jan 26, 2018
Thanks for all your hard work, Team Duwang. Eagerly waiting for the next batch.

Some ramblings on Souichi's memory loss as I understand it.

It's not quite him making a mistake, although that probably is the trigger for many of his smaller memory losses and in a basic sense what is going on. However that doesnt fully explain it. Even if he is blameless, it can trigger if he feels like he has failed or has become imperfect. It seems like there are two kinds of memory loss, the small details he loses because they're unimportant and he can "throw them away", and the large scale memory losses which seem to come about due to a major indecent or revelation. It seems like we are being led to believe that Souichi legitimately forgot the StL game because it was such an unimportant memory due to the lame gamble Baku proposed and how easily Leader beat him. I think at some point Souichi was able to rationalize the memory loss as a coping mechanism to relieve some of the pressure he was putting on himself, but our current Hal is tired of forgetting everything and thinks that getting all of his memories back will help him truly be perfect. The way Hal/Hachina has been talking, we know deep down he knew he was going to have to become Souichi again eventually, so in the back of his head he probably knows whats going on.

I don't know if Baku knows what specifically causes Hal's memory loss. But since he knows about it, and he knows it has happened multiple times from his experiences in the bookstore, he can probably glean that there is likely some kind of trigger for it. Perhaps a traumatic experience, or perhaps he can glean enough from knowing Hal that it is related to his insane sense of duty and responsibility. I think this is, ultimately, why Baku confesses to Yuukiide that he "killed" Hal. Baku is perceptive; he might have realized the reason Hal went to that gamble was to bet his life as Hal, but he lost and got blasted with a paintball to the temple to trick everyone (including him) into thinking he had lost the Russian Roulette game. This causes him to reset to Souichi, losing the "Hal" Baku knew. Initially I thought Hal in this scene was just extremely disoriented and shell-shocked and easy for Kakerou to imprint upon, but I think he straight up loses his memory again right here because he loses to Fukurou (and does not fulfill his desire to meet Baku again as "The Real Hal"). He was just coincidentally right next to Eba's place with book in hand, so he could immediately get his memories back (sans any memory of being Hal, Baku's friend).

This triggering of this particular incident is interesting actually, and a good example of what triggers the memory loss. Hal did the best thing he could do in the game up to this point, making the best hands for Baku. But with no knowledge of the rest of the game, the first two rounds were pure luck, and the third was the bottom room testing theories. Regardless, Hal's brain was "punished" twice to the point where his psyche feels like he must reset ; the brain was tricked into thinking it was being killed twice, and after both instances he actually BELIEVED he had been dismembered. Dark Souichi specifically points out the physical injuries and makes no reference to the poker game. So it tried to reset both times (Team Duwang points out the subtle reveal of it on the first loss). His brain basically went "okay, you're dead. your body has been dismembered and impaled. we need to start over". The pain is so extreme he almost forgets about the entire gamble, and he's able to fight back against it by realizing that resetting now will actually lose the overarching gamble.

I wonder what kind of personality we'll get from Souichi going forward. Re-reading his first major appearance in the manga (Hangman) he takes a very playful and rather whimsical stance which grows more serious as we work our way through the tower game and the gambles he makes with the police to consolidate Kakerou's power. From the Hangman game onwards, Souichi is extremely serious and driven. Hal did not really act like either of these Souichis at all, so I wonder what kind of person we'll get. Probably some combination, based on the aliens joke.

A couple things to note, a few interesting or fun things and a couple things I passed off as just Souichi being weird or quirky, but is foreshadowing that the author intentionally obfuscated so we wouldn't catch on. Leader "meets" Baku for the first StL game (remember when the scanlation group called it "the mansion pass" game?). We know later that this isn't the first time they've met, but it is presented as such. It wasn't necessarily a lie; Souichi probably had forgotten his time as "Hal". and A good example of probably the biggest case, Leader professed to not know Baku despite playing StL against him, the highest level of Kakerou gamble there is. He jumps back and forth between remembering or not remembering details here, as well as collecting or not collecting on Baku's life. as catx3 noted, Souichi says he doesn't recall telling lies in this arc, so he probably legitimately forgot everything about Baku. and This part is interesting. Souichi debates whether or not to call Baku's bluff that he will have Marco or Kyara come to the tunnel to stop the collection. He says he has never misjudged a situation like this, and makes the correct call here with Kyara lurking about, but how would he know? Any mistakes in judgement he's made were washed away. He has a few chances in this arc to get rid of Baku but doesn't do it. Duwang notes a few examples of Leader's memory issues, particularly the part in Chapter 100 I mentioned earlier. This is Toshio playing games with us; Souichi in this scene talking about the benefits of losing his memory also just toys with the Judge about forgetting he isnt supposed to hit his golf balls. Since he knows the exact number, he's probably just fucking with him, which casts doubt in the readers mind that he has memory problems at all. A good red herring. Leader remembers being told that Usogui (the guy he met in the mine) had challenged StL, but when Touya corrects him with the name Yuukiide he just accepts it. It was likely that Souichi understood this meant the alibi had shifted, but its also plausible that he believes that he just legitimately forgot or misremembered that detail. Dark Souichi. At first I thought this was just a cool sinister effect of the memory loss, which it is, but its supposed to very directly represent the moment he gets his memories reset Baku's friend Hal realizes that if Baku challenges StL, he will directly fight against his Dad.

Given what we know about the memory loss now, I think your second theory as to why he'd lose his memory immediately after Usogui wins is on the right track. Because Leader returned the ranking battle into a 10 second death battle (this decision seems like a short-sighted whim on his part, he did it in the mine because Mekama was putting on a poor show, he was sick of watching it and needed to leave before the government showed up, and he wanted to honor previous referees that had lost their lives ), and Baku was moving into position to challenge StL, he knew Yakou would have to challenge his dad for #0. If Suteguma had won, Tatsuki was already his ref, so he wouldn't have had to fight. I've always wondered about this page while Tatsuki is dying ( ) and why Souichi has a weird look in his eyes that Tatsuki seems to focus on. He has the same look in his eyes when he loses his memory in the MPD as well, which Touya recognizes ( ). I think this statement was a belief Souichi was holding on to, that he accepted take over as Leader in the hopes that Tatsuki would be able to enjoy a long life. Maybe Tatsuki was remembering this and knew that his death would cause Souichi to lose his memory (which he subsequently does, and they flashback to Tatsuki and Eba learning about his condition as Tatsuki remembers Souichi).

Though I agree that it's weird that Souichi would think his father would lose to Yakou, it was probably within his realm of predictions that Tatsuki would die or be seriously injured, and it was enough to make him start over. It could be just as simple as his brain saying "you made the decision to put Dad in harm's way, mistake, we need to start over".
Double-page supporter
Jan 26, 2018
Sorry to spam the comment section, but last thought ; re-reading The Prince Bee chapter with what we know now makes the story seem clearer than it was initially. A couple people were asking about Baku and Hal's motivations recently and they're kind of outlined clearly here. Baku states that deeper motivations than a desire for victory and thrills are not necessary in gambling, and affirms that Hal taking everything but sparing his life means the second battle will be the peak of thrills for him ( ). Hal and Baku gave each other a true friend, someone they could understand, and Baku is driven by his desire to compete with Hal in the ultimate gamble. Their connection runs so deep that they can communicate their intentions and understand each other easily.

Going back and reading different parts of the manga has convinced me that Baku intentionally took a dive during the first StL game. It would explain a lot, particularly why he, with the power to choose any gamble he wanted for StL, picked something as dumb and easily influenced as "planes will fly overhead". When we first learned about the StL game in like Chapter 14, it seemed like an effective way for the author to demonstrate how powerful and far-reaching the power of Kakerou is. Thinking about it later, you wonder why such a proficient gambler like Baku who is familiar with Kakerou would pick something he would obviously lose at. But in this lens:
It seems obvious that he loses to break all of his Kakerou-forged bonds (like Kyara, who leaves Kakerou) and refocus, building new ones.

It appears that Baku's first StL game gamble was not whether or not he would beat Leader. He was gambling that Hal would spare his life, leaving him with nothing and setting him up for a comeback.

Sorry if this was obvious, but re-reading the parts about Hal's memory loss really drives this point home. The manga did a great job throwing you off the trail early with Baku's dumb gamble and revisiting it later.

edit: actually Yakou spells out that he probably threw it after the Abandoned Building game. We just know why he did so now.

Sorry if all this stuff was obvious, but it's an exciting manga to think about, there's a lot of things going on with it.

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