Usogui - Vol. 47 Ch. 510 - Domination

Double-page supporter
Sep 10, 2019
I don't even want there to be a trick with the clock now, any little tricks will just be sad compared to this intense mindgame.
Jul 30, 2020
I think the flow is back on Baku's side now, under the assumption that his original plan involves Leader playing a 'perfect' game (i.e. never dying). Some supporting thoughts:

- His shocked expression when Leader missed his check, followed by his worry that the safe strategy was now gone for him
- Leader died at 8:21 and the next round started at 8:26, i.e. a 5 minutes interval instead of the 2 - 3 minutes he calculated for himself Nevermind, I made a mistake by calculating Leader's starting turn instead of just the interval...
- As we saw in all previous games (esp. Hangman and Air Poker), Baku has to rub an opponent's loss in their faces. Death by injection would likely be too peaceful by his standard

There is always the (obvious) possibility that he's trying to save his old bromance partner, but all things considered (the author's writing style, the prince bee story and other various hints) I highly suspect that Baku considers Leader to be the biggest liar of them all, and has something extra cruel planned for him.
Apr 4, 2019
Insert the Navy Seals Marine Copypasta for our man Yakou in page 3.

Please someone do it. I was hoping Yakou would spit on his face a little. What a lovely little bitch he's being, that Leader!
Dex-chan lover
Oct 23, 2019
I've recently gotten thinking that Leader has developed a lot in these past couple arcs, while Baku feels to me like the exact same suicidal madman as he was on the very first few chapters.
I'm wondering if Baku did develop and I speedread my way into not noticing or if this will turn out to be important.
Jan 18, 2018
The realization that there's a possibility of referee Yakou dying is now here.
I don't know what's what and I'm starting to hope that there's no small tricks, just layers and layers of mindgames over something seemingly simple.

@oka-tan I always thought Baku did get character development, not necessarily by having a change of character, but rather having his current character given exposition through flashbacks, dreams, and character interactions. It wasn't Baku that changed as a character, it was our perception of his character that changed. The majority of the manga never even delves into Baku's thought process, there's only rare occasions up until the later arcs. My thought is that Sako Toshio wanted Baku to remain an enigma to the audience just as much as he was to Kaji and company. (Kaji is like the Watson to Baku, but with clear development; his maturity reflects both his and the audience's understanding of people and Usogui's world.) Rather than reveal important conclusions early-middle, Toshio carefully foreshadowed many revelations to the audience. Team Duwang has been especially great at picking up a lot of foreshadowing that occurred up to over several hundred chapters ago, like Leader's memory disorder, Leader's alternate ego Hachina, and Baku's friendship with Hal.
Group Leader
Jan 20, 2019
Damn, that cover page is awesome. Would love to have seen it in color.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 16, 2018
I doubt Leader really plans on not dying a second time this match. It'd be too good an advantage for him, both stopping Baku's 3rd death with all the fear he's wedging into Baku about Yakou's capabilities, and managing to force Baku to squander some time before his own death to come out at a big advantage. Then again, if he does actually have echolocation, Baku's current 1:10 advantage of squandered time means nothing.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 12, 2020
Nobody reacted when Leader said 'I want to one up you ever since I met you'. As always, he deliberately say things that's ambiguous to those not in the know. To the audience, it's just a simple gesture of recognition for Baku's gambling prowess in kakerou matches. To Baku, that sounds like Leader's little confession about their peculiar relationship in the past.

Can't they just be friends in the end..
Jul 30, 2020
@Petrichormus I still think the book store wasn't their first meeting and he may have referred to that.

I find it suspicious that Baku seemed to have done all the right things so Souichi would follow him, e.g. appearing the moment he arrived for the book, made him ask money for the book to only then gave him the incorrect amount of bills, and a vague thought bubble that said "come with me" during that game.

Considering Souichi lost his memory while at the airport, I suspect their previous meeting / gamble may have involved a passing air vehicle.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 12, 2020
@tripledraw yeah I thought so too. I do wonder though if its possible that they met during childhood. The amnesia was diagnosed when Leader's a teenager, but it might have happened way earlier too without anyone knowing since he's so good at faking his amnesia. Eba just so happen to catch him at a very noticeable occasion.

About the plane game, gambling about a passing plane sounds like a whimsical game a child would do. If they were childhood friends I just can't bear it man.. kinda heartbreaking, at least for Baku if you think about it.
Double-page supporter
Jan 26, 2018
I like where this arc has gone. Leader was looking so weak for a bit there, but is now convincingly in a dominating position and has full control of the room. I was a bit worried that the godly Hal that we've seen was shaken because it was Baku. Him completely overwhelming those in the room as well as those watching is impressive and something worthy of his position in the world.

That being said the flow might be back in Baku's favor now. Baku was terrified when Leader didn't look back because he realized he had absolutely no read on what Leader was doing. But then Leader clicked his tongue again and turned around. This might signal to Baku that Leader is using some kind of tell to guarantee the handkerchief is down before he turns.

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