Usotsuki Satsuki wa Shi ga Mieru - Vol. 9 Ch. 83 - Future

Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2019
Wow, so it ends just like that huh?
I won't rehash other comments about the subplots left hanging or how Komachi suddenly becomes the FMC in the final several chapters after being mostly AWOL or a mystery for most of the story, but just say thanks for the hard work translating this and the author's previous work. Sensei's lecture to Komachi was a very nice touch, and it's apparent now as one of the sole adults to believe in their death-prediction powers made him a backbone of support for Satsuki et al. all along.

Looking forward to the epilogue chapters (which hopefully resolves the tension with Satsuki's Dad over her Mom's Death).
Also I will cope that Satsuki is a big girl who can handle a Akira, Miho, and Komachi harem.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 13, 2020
Definitely sad to see this ending. Does really feel like a lot was unresolved.

Thanks so much for your work translating this series and many others that I enjoy greatly.
Aggregator gang
Sep 26, 2018
;-; I loved this manga honestly it was simple wholesome but realy unique in its own way taking on very serious common issues people deal with outside of the sci fi like abilities. sucks so much for this to get axed so suddenly like this. thank fully authors gets two additional extras to try and ties things up? :angery::angery::angery::aquadrink:
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2023
I didn't see the tag either.

No it's not, go look into the history of Yuri and Shoujo Ai terms, the short version is that only westerners use Shoujo Ai for safe Yuri and subtext, in Japan both Shoujo Ai and Shounen Ai have something to do with pedophilia, there's even Japanese Wikipedia page about it.

I'm pretty sure it's been many years that Japan uses GL and Yuri as basically synonymous.

There's no such thing as Yuri is explicit content, that's literally something made-up by western readers, in Japan Yuri was always both safe and not safe works, go look it up.

And here comes another one without compass...

Seriously @MathMols, @Ninoren and @Mangamoz, there's a reason mangadex completely abandoned the Yuri tag in favor of Girl's Love, go search about every single Yuri magazine ever made, none ever used the term Shoujo Ai, it's alway only Yuri independent of how explicit, over time apparently they started using Girl's Love term due to some people still using Yuri to mean just really close friends, but nowadays there's no distinction between Yuri and GL.

And before any of you try to argue back, proof of my point, this manga is tagged as Yuri by the publisher according to the translator,, tell me how this counts as explicit...

2024 and people still think Shoujo Ai is a fucking thing :aquadrink:
Shoujo Ai straight up means girls love, shoujo Ai is simply the japanese for girls love.

Shoujo Ai/girls love is very clearly still a thing as many sites either only use shoujo ai/girls love or use both shoujo ai/girls love and yuri to divide them up. Even both english and japanese publishers use both of Them

But again, dont even know why you Got so triggered over it in the first place. But both of these tags have to do with relationships between girls, so it doesnt really matter which term people use.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2019
Shoujo Ai straight up means girls love, shoujo Ai is simply the japanese for girls love.

Shoujo-ai mean Lolicon, maybe search a little more before affirming something. Shoujo-ai = Girls love is an invention of westerns publishers. Say that you like Shoujo-ai in Japan and you will get weird looks.
In Japan, the term shōjo-ai is not used with this meaning, and instead denotes pedophilic relationships between adult men and girls.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 20, 2018
so wait, what is even the teacher point ?

So every one deserve to live, but the one who kill other too deserve to live.
but yeah, i know we can't "too good to be true", anyways no point ???
Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2020
Shoujo Ai straight up means girls love, shoujo Ai is simply the japanese for girls love.

Shoujo Ai/girls love is very clearly still a thing as many sites either only use shoujo ai/girls love or use both shoujo ai/girls love and yuri to divide them up. Even both english and japanese publishers use both of Them

But again, dont even know why you Got so triggered over it in the first place. But both of these tags have to do with relationships between girls, so it doesnt really matter which term people use.
That's a misconception that unfortunately won't die for a while due to trash sites being half-assed and mostly mirroring other manga sites.
Really, that's pretty much the only reason Shoujo Ai didn't die yet, cause any proper manga sites either never used Shoujo Ai or abandoned it later, example, Mangadex, Batoto and Dynasty Scans.

And I got "triggered" due to once more people repeating completely wrong information that would be long dead if not for shitty manga sites.

Shoujo-ai mean Lolicon, maybe search a little more before affirming something. Shoujo-ai = Girls love is an invention of westerns publishers. Say that you like Shoujo-ai in Japan and you will get weird looks.
Thank you for posting the Wikipedia link @Lilliwyt, I honestly completely forgot they did briefly mention the actual meaning of Shoujo-Ai :thumbsup:
Dex-chan lover
Feb 3, 2018
so can anyone explain to me what is going to happen between satsuki and her dad now? do they finally make amend with each other?


Dex-chan lover
Mar 25, 2019
Well... from forensic and how to save someone in emergency manga, to too much drama manga. I can see why this got axe.

Great read nonetheless.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 6, 2023
This doesn't feel like an axed ending, just a rushed one. Imo the quality of the series really started dropping since the pres and vp backstory. It kinda lost its charm and tight storytelling from the first half and there ended up being too much going on. I do wish we got an actual Komachi arc though, but it sorta feels like the author didn't have enough content planned for it to take up another volume.

Regardless it was still a fun series and I'm looking forward to seeing the extra. Thanks so much for translating this!
Dex-chan lover
Aug 16, 2020
Well I dont share Sensei view. If a person deliberatly goes out of their way to kill innocent people, then they 100% deserve to be killed themselves
I agree. I think the manga completely missed the mark and the talk with sensei could have been way better. He says 'scientifically' every living thing deserves to live, but that's just wrong. If you want to be 'scientific', if a species has one of its own that starts relentlessly killing its own species, or a trait that causes them to all die, for the survival of that species it would be best to kill it.

He waxes poetically about how every trait has some benefit, even if we don't know it yet, but that's wrong. No species benefits from having one of their own causing them to die. All that talk about how scientifically all that matters is the survival of the species, then Komacchi is literally one of the only things completely antithetical to that argument since she causes them to die.

When she asked Sensei if he actually believed she deserved to live, he should have look right at her and asked her if she was doing it on purpose. She says no, then he says yes, he believes that she deserves to live whether its ultimately good or not. That would have been a way better ending and her feeling accepted by someone would feel a lot more real.
Jan 1, 2024
Thank you for the translation, always great to pick a series by you.

That said, what a way to fail the ending...So much potential wasted, I don't understand how this could be the author's plan.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 21, 2023
i think sensei's point is really just from a completely amoralistic and biologically selective perspective, i do still kinda think he is wrong though however. if his point is that morals aside there's no way to objectively prove which traits an animal has which makes it more desirable than others and that as a species human's best trait is the fact that individuals among that species are so diverse that an individuals personal traits will specialize for just about every scenario its put into allowing the species to proliferate beyond its initial environmental selective pressures; then i think he overlooks how humans also evolved to allow the collective to make decisions regarding which individuals are allowed to live within the herd. he's effectively siding with the individual over the collective in terms of trait selection, but that's not really how biology works. the species ALWAYS selects for traits it finds desirable even if those traits could be beneficial in an odd case situation, thats how all sexually reproducing creatures have been since the first bacteria decided to bang instead of just splitting apart.

a better argument he should have gone with for komacchi is that her condition might be one that future people have to deal with, and her simply dying before her condition is understood by science and medicine and able to be dealt with by future humans simply puts more people at risk. komacchi herself isint the problem, the condition she has is the problem. her simply dying would deny the species the opportunity to solve that problem. thus while its possible for her to continue to live while people do what is necessary to keep her continued existence safe for everyone else she should continue to survive and be studied (ethically) until the collective can make a decision about her condition. that would be both morally correct and biologically advantageous for the species. thats part of the reason we dont just kill crazy people who kill other people, their condition might be one we can prevent in the future and were very bad at preventing them from doing damage before it manifests itself right now, so simply removing them from the herd before they are fully understood and how to prevent them from doing what they do would be irresponsible and simply driven by emotion. though they should obviously be confined in such a way they cant hurt people. similar to how the condition komacchi has is being confined by the preventative measure of satsuki stopping everyone being killed around komacchi from dying.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 1, 2023
So per evolution and human cultivation both entities work in tandem to solve a problem. One person is followed by death while the other can't prevent death. Symbiosis I guess?

Anyway there's no scientific way to prove her being alive will result in others deaths so teacher can't justify ending her life to prevent other deaths. It's an unreasonably difficult hypothesis to prove with science so he has a point.

This story was fun. Weird ending but it makes sense in a way...
Dex-chan lover
May 16, 2023
Well that was abrupt. I thought we'd at least have one last death to prevent with the whole gang teaming up, just to showcase the dynamic. Komachi can see the black attaching to people over a longer period of time than Satsuki can see their premonitory corpse, and I can see at least one more mini arc in Satsuki going ballistic on preventative measures for everyone that Komachi says is starting to build up black. Plus you could put Satsuki's dad in there, as a doctor, he deals with life and death on the daily, and might have some things to teach his daughter. Plus, it could've been interesting if the death that Satsuki has to face is something that she can't prevent like a sickness of some kind, and her dad is there to help her through and to give them an avenue for reconciliation. Idk it seems that the manga was dealing with intentional deaths/accidental deaths most of the time so Satsuki has something to prevent, so forcing her to accept death as a natural event through a sickness related death would be good I think. But that would involve a retcon of a previously introduced character or an introduction of a character to be fridged and neither seem like a good idea.

Anyway Satsuki x Akira cute and real
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Well I dont share Sensei view. If a person deliberatly goes out of their way to kill innocent people, then they 100% deserve to be killed themselves
They are useful, we can learn to prevent something like that to happen again or ways to track down fugitives, they aren't necessary but they are useful. As such, from a utilitarian point of view they are good... for "stress tests" if nothing else.

In the end good and evil speak of what's desirable relative to a specific set of priorities/values, that girl sees no value in life by itself so he had to use an approach that would resonate with her way of thinking.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 4, 2018
On one hand, thank you very much for the translation! :salute:

It's been quite a ride keeping up with it and it's been one of those stories that I looked forward to seeing updated the most.

On the other hand...wew. I'm just straight up nonplussed at the ending itself. It's not horrible but it feels like that bitch vice president and Satsuki's dad didn't get properly corrected, the latter being especially bothersome since there are people who can vouch for Satsuki's ability now.

Also pouring one out for Akira. Damn first-girl-wins trope happened again despite our tomboy's finest efforts.
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Dex-chan lover
Mar 24, 2020
Well, that's it.I don't fell that angry as the others about the unfinished plots, and I liked that in the end they are all together. Loved the 4 girls and the bug girl as well, overall it was a fun manga

Thanks for the translations
Mar 8, 2023
Thank you for translating this. Honestly, I was relieved to see that this was the last chapter since even though I liked the story, I'm a total wimp and was always kind of nervous to read updates. I don't like any kind of horror and this was a little too far over that line for my comfort.

All this complaining about the end and what could have been or should have been done, leaves out the fact that this was the author's story to tell however they wanted. Some people seem angry that the author didn't stretch it out just because it was possible to do so. The author said what they wanted to say and whether it was cut early or whether it was their decision to end it now, they are moving on to their next manga.

Maybe not every single little detail was addressed but it ended on a high note and things seem hopeful for their futures so I call it a win.

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