It's not the absence of butt that is liked, it is the presence of boobs. Americans like anything that is remotely female lol. (Source: trust me bro. But in all seriousness this is obviously a joke lol. Except for the part where American men like boobs lol, that much is definitely true.)
It's not the absence of butt that is liked, it is the presence of boobs. Americans like anything that is remotely female lol. (Source: trust me bro. But in all seriousness this is obviously a joke lol. Except for the part where American men like boobs lol, that much is definitely true.)
The presence of boobs doesn't make up for the absence of ass, which is why I think the stick-figure-except-top-heavy build being liked by the average American isn't likely (it would have been likely maybe ~25 years ago but not now)
The presence of boobs doesn't make up for the absence of ass, which is why I think the stick-figure-except-top-heavy build being liked by the average American isn't likely (it would have been likely maybe ~25 years ago but not now)