Man, MC parents can't fucking stop fucking.
10 kids and the most recent is still a baby, and they know is a problem for they family to be so big.
Shinzo Abe had some citizens listening to his words like gospel.
Now I'm a bit sad about MC mother...and the story doesn't flow well because of the multiple holes.
MC have to help his mother with siblings and house chores, suddendly lives alone in a big apartment.
They couldn't afford a bigger house or a helper but suddendly MC can live on his own far away from them, unless they won the lottery or MC dad became a CEO how is that possible?
Ex followed MC and somehow had a moving company ready with all her stuff.
Ex somehow avoided a hentai chapter with the movers when she welcomed them dropping wet in a towel.
The plot is extremely forced, BUT, it made me think of comedic manga of the '80s to '90s that had this kind of crap happening all in one chapter and it was a unconscious tacit rule to not take it seriously.