Vigilante - Ch. 32

Dex-chan lover
Sep 8, 2019
The journalist's speech in a nutshell 'Anyone who is accused of anything should be slaughtered by a mob with impunity and anyone doing any finger pointing should be protected as saint...Except that one guy accused of murder who's making a ton of money for me, he count as a saint too.'. And the politician is supposed to be put in trouble by that?

Innocent until proven guilty and 'mob mentaly and the law of talion are retarded' aren't positions that are hard to argue by actual profesional, that's why it's a mostly worldwide standard.
Power Uploader
Jan 25, 2018
@BalrogDeMorgoth I don't disagree with what you say, but what she's saying is not that anyone accused of anything should be lynched, but that those proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt shouldn't be granted excessively light sentences. She's talking about proportionality of sentencing, which is also a pillar of modern law theory.

Now, before you reply to this, notice that I'm not saying that I agree with her points. I'm not in favour of retributive justice, which is the premise of this series. I'm in favour of criminal justice as a means to rehabilitation, prevention of reincidence and protection of society from violent elements, not as a way to provide cathartic relief of sorrow by the affected. I'm just saying that she's not arguing what you say she is.

And curiously, I don't think this author supports retributive justice, either. I think he's cleverly being the devil's advocate, especially in the metaphoric introductions to some chapters, like the Chinese beast that impales criminals and the design of Themis statues; but given that reporter Chae and even more so Ji Young are depicted as wild-eyed, mentally unstable nutjobs, I think the message is that mob justice and vigilantism are far from being solutions.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 8, 2019
@Kendama That's not really what she's saying if you take it in the young kids playing vigilante IMO and having the vigilante apparently using her broadcast as a target list. But that could be just be me taking a general argument she's making and misinterpreting it as a direct response to the other guy about what's happening in the story. It does make more sense how you say it tho.

Also I understand retributive justice is the point of the show, it is satisfying to read but I just get easily annoyed at bad argument that are shown as successful, cause I'm autistic like that XD
Oct 27, 2018
@ Kendama
Holy cow this is one of the most civil and intelligent short discussions I have ever seen on this site. Granted, the topic of the manga allows for such conversations such as this, but still...
Group Leader
Jan 20, 2018
Me: Immerse in the discussion
Scroll down for more. 'To be continued'
Me: *flip table* You can't leave me hanging like that!
Mar 1, 2018

The journalist's speech in a nutshell 'Anyone who is accused of anything should be slaughtered by a mob with impunity and anyone doing any finger pointing should be protected as saint

Wrong in every aspect, how exactly did you come up with that excerpt after reading her argument? The whole debate was about the perceived failings of due proccess after persecution, this entire series, so far at least, is about vigilantism born out of extreme dissatisfaction AFTER the perpetrator was put on trial and judged, or appointed with sufficient evidence by the authorities yet let go, in way those with vigilante mentality percieve as complete lack of justice.

I don't have to agree or disagree with the points presented in this series, but I sure should try to understand the arguments presented in the series, not once, so far, there was case of mob mentality and just finger pointing being the determinant factor for actions carried by the main vigilante and what the argument presented by his fangirl reporter shows.

Again, if one agrees or not with with vigilante mentality and actions is another issue.
Dec 21, 2018
Man those 3 lines "Being a minor, being under influence, and it was just an accident." I've only seen the minor card being pulled in these high school drama manhwas but minors get away with atrocious fucking shit like rape and horrific bullying acts. Seeing so much of this kinda stuff from the serious manhwa genres make me wonder if there's something wrong in korean schools. Anybody know?
Dex-chan lover
Sep 8, 2019
@Goukenimaru < Just unilateraly state I'm wrong

< Proceed to not state a single reason why I'm wrong or anything related to what I said.

'Not once', Yeah, I'm sure a TV show is 200% gonna be accurate on everything and be a perfect representation of a criminal case and won't ever just add people who weren't even condamned yet or were just accused without evidence *Watch a news show* Oh wait, that's totaly what they do, all the time! And I'm sure a bunch of violent teenagers beating up people for 'justice' totaly did their ressearch and are righteous and didn't just attack whoever looked weird / they didn't like, they are all Sherlock Holmes junior *Side eye all the 'homeless basher cases' in japan*.

What did the Vigilante who actualy does all this shit actualy do? Oh yeah, avoid doing what the TV show wanted AND avoid associating with the teenager retards and other imitation Vigilante like the pest.
Mar 1, 2018

'Not once', Yeah, I'm sure a TV show is 200% gonna be accurate on everything and be a perfect representation of a criminal case and won't ever just add people who weren't even condamned yet or were just accused without evidence *Watch a news show* Oh wait, that's totaly what they do, all the time! And I'm sure a bunch of violent teenagers beating up people for 'justice' totaly did their ressearch and are righteous and didn't just attack whoever looked weird / they didn't like, they are all Sherlock Holmes junior *Side eye all the 'homeless basher cases' in japan*.

Conjectures and your personal views on how corrupt the mainstream media is, my argument is objective in what this series is presenting, not wondering what they might do, or not do, outside what has been explicitly shown, you seem to be ignoring the fact that there are two news stations trying to latch on the vigilante cases, one who’s trying to steer the reckless vigilantism towards criminals and one who has covered the cases in which the main vigilante has already set his eyes on.

Chae, the vigilante’s obsessive fangirl, is the one who covers the cases the vigilante is part of, she presented her argument exactly according to what the vigilante does, pursue the cases where the perpetrator has supposedly escaped proper legal punishment despite sufficient evidence existing, he is part of law enforcement, he is privy to all information concerning his targets, trying to elevate manufactured crimes is not going to get his attention, and Chae is so in tune with his target pickings that she immediately recognized the vigilante cases her idol was not part of.

The vigilante is doing exactly what Chae has argued in this chapter, despite being smart enough to never try and make her his confidant like she expects him to.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 8, 2019
@Goukenimaru Conjecture? Nice so you didn't read the story then.

I think you don't know what 'objective' mean since not a single thing you said is based on either reality nor what happen in the actual story.

Except he isn't and you once again prove you didn't read the story, we see how he select his victim and that he use the cops's database for it, even the time he attacked someone who went on her show, it was for completly seperate reason.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020
Man the vigilante is just punishing those who, in his eyes, were not properly punished.

It's the "Fine I'll do it myself" of legal process, with a big little dash of murder.

I for one, look for the moment where the vigilante meets someone who is actually repenting, and wether or not he hypocritically kills him or understandably spares him
Nov 18, 2020
The big brain energy from this series is.... Marvelous..... I sincerely hope the ending wouldn't be like that certain killing criminals series too


Oct 26, 2019
What a twist! There were 2 fake vigilante and the weird detective is actually covering up the real one?! This is gonna be so good! Our crazy girl is back in action!

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