
Mar 19, 2020
@owlette Dendrobates is a really good vigilante manga. Be forewarned, there is considerable violence, including rape. And Ouroboros is really good too. It just completed a couple of months ago too.
Aug 19, 2020
mc doesnt wear a mask lol, if this had good art and a bit smarter charcters this would be readable, but it has bad art and characters that are only smart because the author is forcing the situation to make them look smart
Power Uploader
Jan 25, 2018
So many people are making much of the fact that he doesn't wear a mask… the Unabomber didn't, and was only caught by a tip-off from his brother.

Seoul has millions of young men looking vaguely like Ji Young. Anyone tall and fit wearing a hoodie could be he. The victims (other than the very first one that has probably gone unrecognised so far) are unrelated to him. Many don't survive or have brain damage that prevent a testimony or description. Others are made unconscious so quickly they don't have time to make a mental image (like the doctor). And the fact is that physical descriptions are so inaccurate that often the drawings don't resemble the culprit.

The hood covers the facial features that would make him recognisable by street cameras. Gait analysis, fingerprints and DNA only work for people (normally criminals or suspects) who have had these data previously recorded. Indoor cameras he inactivates while preparing the location for the attack.

You may have a point that he's screwed if one of his victims lives to tell the story, but at this point this is quite a big "if".
Active member
Apr 25, 2018
If you think this has bad art then you must be jacking off to a lot of trash isekais.
Nov 22, 2020
Lol literally stumbled upon this and it straight up threw me back to when my older sister and I watched Arrow together after school. I mean the storyline isn't that similar it just gave some vibes lololol anyways it was a great read and I will definitely wait for future updates :)
Jan 22, 2024
Crappy review #5. This one is outside my comfort zone for genres, so I encourage anyone who reads this crappy review to hope there's a better take on this manhwa and read it. I have read up through chapter 73, so maybe things have changed since.

This story of rooting for a subjectively bad protagonist to deal justice to objectively bad criminals feels weird. Sure, I want the criminals to be dealt a harsher justice, but the protagonist and his "allies" don't leave me with excitement for their dispensing of vigilantism. The "allies" of the protagonist are also this sort of grey-area weirdos, thus far consisting of a drama news reporter, a sort-of-dirty cop, and a psycho who wants to copycat the protagonist on kills or punishment of someone the protagonist was planning to do. In a sense, the last "ally" wants to make the protagonist— the original vigilante— into the copycat, and he has the ability to do so.

The protagonist has yet any goals for how long he wants to do this, which I have mentioned before is not the best to have a beginning with no end in sight, but some of the criminals he targeted even in season 1 were starting to ramp up exponentially in difficulty to enact his vigilantism. Will he go back to simple targets after we reach a peak, or will the stakes have to somehow become larger than where this was heading towards? I'm put off a bit by the art style to continue further.

The art style isn't bad by any means, but just like how some don't like the big-eyes drawn in manga like "Dragonball", the yaoi-vibe faces of "Barbarian Quest", or the more human drawing of "I Am a Hero", this hyper-sharpie style to the charter eyes always makes it feel like everyone wants to do something nefarious with just a stare. Of course, this is simply personal preference, but no one feels like a "good" person here when I look at the characters.

It seems, at least, that none of the central characters are stupid. Sometimes they're fooled, but never acting outside a reasonable mindset to complete their desire, save for the psycho-copycat. Even then, that psycho at least seems willing to hunt and not bull-head himself into a predicament. It's always nice to have characters who don't rush into things in the hope their allies will save them.

Hopefully you thriller-chillers will like this manhwa. Me, I'm unable to continue.
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Power Uploader
Jan 25, 2018
This story of rooting for a subjectively bad protagonist to deal justice to objectively bad criminals feels weird. Sure, I want the criminals to be dealt a harsher justice, but the protagonist and his "allies" don't leave me with excitement for their dispensing of vigilantism. The "allies" of the protagonist are also this sort of grey-area weirdos, thus far consisting of a drama news reporter, a sort-of-dirty cop, and a psycho who wants to copycat the protagonist on kills or punishment of someone the protagonist was planning to do.

Yours is a very honest review and I get why you couldn't continue for reasons of personal taste.

I'll just add that the excerpt of your review I quoted is exactly the reason some people, myself included, like this series so much: it doesn't glorify vigilantism.

I don't really like the idea behind Batman and other vigilantes who're depicted as noble and justified in their actions. Or, should I say, I'm tired of that script. It can be done well, I suppose, especially when the powers that be are corrupt in historical series, but it's hackneyed at this point, in my opinion.

In that sense, I feel that this series is a breath of fresh air: from chapter 1, the protagonist is depicted as a wild-eyed basket case who prefers his potential targets to be unrepentant and relapsing so he can pummel them dead with relish. From there the story meanders into all sorts of moral quagmires and all the other characters are people you'd cross the street to avoid: a reporter who fancies herself emceeing a gladiatorial circus and throws colleagues under the bus without batting an eyelid, a black-ops cop who wants to kill the Vigilante behind the scenes for some PR points for the police, a Dexter wannabe tycoon who idolises the protagonist for showing him the path of justifiable murder, and a motley collection of criminals of the basest kind. I for one love the free-for-all this series turns into, especially because, as you say, all the more important characters not only know how to use their brains, but use them very well.

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