I predict Cordelia is going to keep cowering and taking hits until she hears the baby crying. When she does, she'll realize what she has to protect and she'll go full berserk mode on them. Likely won't kill anyone though.
Chills. Just fucking chills man.
Should he use pacifist or his fistI know there's already Karli, but there's power in blood, so with the birth of his first born, I wonder if it might also shift something within Thorfinn. Oppose something very raw against his ideals : pacifism or his son?
I expected a tragic demise but she actually radiated HnK energy.
Love that their warrior lead, take a stab at it, realize the sheer power gap, and peace out without much fuss and ensuring his people safe too.Lol.
Aight, we're fucked. Let's go before HE realizes just how utterly fucked we all are.