keep cooking king, also do you have a fanbox?This chapter I demand one quadrillion headpats.
Note: Last chapter I made the wrong call on the encoding of the stream title. The way I was encoding it, which was trying to emulate the original, turned out to be basically impossible to decipher, which left everyone wondering what it meant. It's a lot easier to decipher Japanese mojibake than English mojibake because the latter results in lots of question marks due to missing glyphs. So I have now opted for a different and (I believe) more familiar encoding (you'll still have to do the legwork though). I should have thought that one through better before posting but mistakes happen. I also didn't properly translate the title last time before I wrote it down (not that you could ever decipher it lol). I made an assumption that turned out wrong, so now the title actually is translated properly when you decode it. I also fixed the previous chapter on mangadex (it's just the same title though).
Not a fanbox but I do have a ko-fi if you really like what I do and want to support me.keep cooking king, also do you have a fanbox?
damn it, it doesnt accept my card 😭Not a fanbox but I do have a ko-fi if you really like what I do and want to support me.
This chapter I demand one quadrillion headpats.
Note: Last chapter I made the wrong call on the encoding of the stream title. The way I was encoding it, which was trying to emulate the original, turned out to be basically impossible to decipher, which left everyone wondering what it meant. It's a lot easier to decipher Japanese mojibake than English mojibake because the latter results in lots of question marks due to missing glyphs. So I have now opted for a different and (I believe) more familiar encoding (you'll still have to do the legwork though). I should have thought that one through better before posting but mistakes happen. I also didn't properly translate the title last time before I wrote it down (not that you could ever decipher it lol). I made an assumption that turned out wrong, so now the title actually is translated properly when you decode it. I also fixed the previous chapter on mangadex (it's just the same title though).
It's just base 64Messiah-chan really doesn't deserve all this. And looks like I'm really bad at this mojibake thing