yeah, because of his not so good communication skills, he has a hard time with keeping good relationships because his honesty comes off as arrogance which leads to him being isolated. that stubborn part is in all of us. who doesn't hold strong opinions about something we're passionate about? it also manifests in being unable to teach well because he hasn't practiced doing that at all. its a feedback loop as well since it leads to a lack of confidence which leads to poor results because what he does doesn't go well. top character.
i like the contrasts the mangaka set up with each character introduced up until now.
kabo - the most fleshed out and constantly growing. lacked self-assurance
wanda - simple, has transparent motivations and self-assured. her self-assurance is what drew kabo to her and enabled his growth.
on-chan - perfect. who everyone aspires to be like.
iori - has skills like on-chan but is also a poor communicator like kabo. has insecurities about it.
kabeya - acknowledges skills. dismisses his schoolmates who don't treat dancing as seriously as him. had a falling out with iori. finds a sense of kinship with kabo. rather than internalize how he's viewed(kabo), he's defiant instead.
nigami - similar to kabeya.