Wanna join a Superbaby Patreon?

Wanna join a Superbaby Patreon?

  • Yes, I'm interested

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • [No response text]

    Votes: 8 32.0%
  • Who are you again?

    Votes: 15 60.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Oct 10, 2019
Hey guys. First off I want to thank all those that have read (or have taken a look at) my releases and those that continue to do so. This was never supposed to be a thing, I thought I'd just try it out one time, not expecting the reaction and support that I've gotten, and for that I'm really grateful.

This is the part that some will say "He's whining/complaining" and yes, that maybe, but it's also gonna be the truth. I believe it's better to be honest and receive critism than lie. So if you don't like 'whining' or 'complaining' it's best to stop reading here.

So, what's the purpose of this post?

I was thinking of starting a patreon to help lessen the 'burdens' of me doing this(more on this later), and wanted to find out if enough ppl were interested to make it worth trying, and If so, what sort of things would you be interested in as benefits. I had some ideas (some my own, some I got from others) such as voting on which new series to do, maybe revive an inactive series, maybe you saw an article on your fav kpop star/actress and want to know what it says, etc. We can discuss what you'd like, and what's feasable or not.

So what are these 'burdens' and how will opening a patreon help?

Well, 'burdens' isn't the right word, maybe sacrifices is a better term. I know what I'm doing is volunteer work. No one forced me to do it, no one's forcing me to continue, I'm not some big shot that's irreplaceable or one of a kind or among the best. I'm just an amatuer learning, making mistakes, trying to get better. So I have no delusions of being owed anything or any feelings of deserving something from you guys. This isn't anything like that.

As some of you know, my current setup is a dying laptop with only one working usb port, no working keyboard, or trackpad. I have a usb mouse attached and rely on win10 virtual keyboard to get around. I do all my work in Paint (like I said earlier this wasn't supposed to be a thing so I just used what I had). YEAH...This setup is just too much of a burden, it takes me way too long to get anything done (7hrs+ a chapter), paint limits what I can do in terms of appearance(and time), and perhaps most importantly, sitting for such a long time is really bad for my health. Because of the time I have to invest, I've had put off other things I usually did (games,anime, kdrama, social life, side jobs etc), just to get the chapters done. My current equipment just isn't working and creates too many 'burdens'.

This is where the patreon would come in really helpful. If I could get enough subscribers it would allow me to upgrade my equipment, therefore allowing me to get releases done faster and in better quality (no more using Paint), which would lead to me having more free time to do the things I enjoy and hopefully putting out more series you guys enjoy, whether it's my own releases or translating for other groups. The extra income would also help to quiet my 'others' nagging lol.
It's just an idea at this stage, as I wanted to see if there was any interest in it, but I think it's something that I would need going forward.

Does this mean if nobody cares or not enough people join I'll stop releasing? No. Either way I plan on continuing hopefully until the end of the series. It's just that I won't be able to maintain the daily release schedule, pick up any new series or regularly provide translations for other groups.

Sounds like nothing will really change, so why should you join the patreon? Because nothing WILL change. I want things to be better for my readers and myself. Without your help I can't do that.

I figured it never hurts to ask, and this way, if it doesn't work out, I can at least start to think about my future plans.

If you are interested in becoming a member or have an idea of what you'd like to see just leave a comment or send me a msg.

Thanks to all that put up with reading this, and hope you continue to enjoy my releases :)
Jun 27, 2020
I literally had no idea who OP was, and given the poll results, I was clearly not alone in that regard.

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