@CountBaltorious I don't think that simply because something is a tradition it's an argument to keep doing it, and I also have a hard time to group myself in with the ''conservatives'' we have today since other than technological advancements society has only gotten worse after WW1 and most of them only want to go a generation back, when taxes was a little lower and we had less immigration.
I do agree though that homeschooling is the way to go with our current educational system. I've heard plenty of horror stories about the American ones and my firsthand experiences with Swedish academia doesn't fall short; teachers telling girls they should go pop their hymen with a pencil, sexism towards boys giving them lower scores on average than girls in subjects they're better at, ''educational viewing'' of Michael Bay movies/an inconvenient truth, history revisionism and since I left it's only gotten worse. Swedish schools that ban our flag from its grounds stating ''it's offensive to other nationalities'', school cafeterias ridding pork from the menu for obvious reason and now we have Muslim schools where they segregate the student based on gender and teach them to hate non-believers. Coming out from Swedish academia I had some serious misconceptions and assumptions about our society that took me 5 years to get rid off.
Worst part is that homeschooling is more or less forbidden in Sweden now since 2010 so as a parent you wouldn't even have the option to spare your children from it while most private schools are obligated to go along with the politicians' fancies. I don't mind the idea of government-funded education but the state sure as hell shouldn't run it since it'll only be abused by them to indoctrinate the young and dye them in their color while they still can't think for themselves.