I love how the news keeps reporting on child predators. It definitely isn't foreshadowing the pedophillic tendancies of the MC one bit, nope. Seriously, the MC seems a pretty hardcore pedophile. She doesn't even have a preference with respect to gender—she only cares that they are young and beautiful. Also, she is clearly incapable of relating to people her own age.
If the gender of the MC were male there would be no doubt that the MC is pedophile. However, even because the MC is female everyone is giving her a pass. The author has even gone out his way to signal that she is suspicious via the TV reports. Of course this could all be a "red herring", but it is pretty obvious that we are supposed to think of the MC as a potential pedophile (regardless of whether she turns out to be one or not).
Regardless as to whether the subject matter of this manga is pedophillic "love". It is pretty clear that we are supposed to regard the MC as someone very suspicious. Even if she isn't a pederast I am pretty sure this opening chapter is at least trying to get you to consider that as a possibility without having the MC do something overt that would confirm or deny this.