Watashi no Shounen - Vol. 7 Ch. 31 - New Year

May 14, 2020
I enjoy reading messed up manga, even if it makes me uncomfortable. This is simply a discussion, not about whether the manga itself is good or not. While earlier it seemed like she wanted to take a step back, in this chapter, it seems like she is trying to justify a way to get closer again. She needs to give him space for grow at least until he’s an adult, but she’s seems impatient. Of course idk what she will do after this chapter. It’s clear it’s not just parental feelings from her side. Age gap romances are fine as long as there is consent from both parties. I believe that kids as young as Mashuu cannot give consent, as they are too easily impressionable and do not fully understand what is happening yet.
Jun 14, 2020

I agree, That why it was important for Sakoto sister to ask him what he thinks of her in a earlier chapter when they were at the karaoke. How does Mashuu see Sakoto. A deity or a person.
Double-page supporter
Feb 8, 2018
Haven't read this in a while and I thank the team working on this! You guys are awesome!!!

I really liked the wholesome interactions of Satoko and Mashuu in the earlier chapters, but now that we're in the romance territory... Yeah I just realized I preferred those wholesome chapters over this lol

Satoko wanting an equal relationship with Mashuu is like shooting for the stars, coz taking care of/watching over someone to make sure they grow up well isn't how you forge an equal relationship. That's what parents/guardians do. I'm still quite curious how this story pans out so I'll stick around some more
Group Leader
May 3, 2020
@comeonnow Happy to be bringing this manga to you and everyone!

It may sound weird, but I just can't keep up with your arguments. Instead of possibly missing the point again, I'll just agree to disagree 😟 I guess, in the end, I'm probably too lenient in what I find acceptable, and when I try to argue in details, it becomes apparent, but I'm also not saying that everything is acceptable, so it's difficult to explain where I draw the line. Also, I think I kinda knew I was opening a can of worms by talking about parents, lol

I can't help but think that if Satoko had been a family member like an aunt or cousin that ended up becoming close to Mashuu for some reason or another, for some time, and developed feelings for him, it would've flied under the radar, and everyone would've been okay with him spending lots of time with her. Now I'm of course saying this as long as nothing inappropriate came out of it, because then a similar situation would've ensued. The difference is that she is not family from the get-go, and there is the looming possibility of their relationship eventually switching gears.

@fluidmello I get your point :) And I understand why you're enjoying the uncomfortable manga reading, I feel the same!

@scarlet_summer Someone had to pick that translation back up!!! I had been waiting for a year like everyone else, so I decided to spend some quality time doing this, and with the help of @iamrangerbob, we can do it at a much more entertaining pace!

Also, you're totally right, we're seeing a very confused Satoko in this chapter! I think we're seeing her spilling her heart's content in page 19, and a good number of pages back up until that one, it's like seeing her walls break down, and I cried while I was editing those pages (because I read as I edited it this time).
Aggregator gang
Apr 9, 2018
People are saying that there's romance, but i have yet to see any evidence of romantic feelings from Satoko towards Mashuu.

Mashuu has a school boy crush on her, yes. And that's ok, it's actually normal. But I have seen zero evidence that Satoko's love for Mashuu is romantic in nature. I think people are just placing their own head canon on what is actually being played out
Dec 23, 2019
@starlightcitypro true she thinks of him in a motherly way rather than a romantic way. I think mashuu will go with the little girl and satoko will go with either her ex or the man who proposed to her.
Group Leader
May 3, 2020
@n1gguhplzx i sincerely hope Satoko doesn't go with either those guys, they're both toxic! one already has a fiancée and has only been annoying her, the other went way too fast and is a narcissistic... something...

otherwise, yes, the kind of love she has for Mashuu isn't romantic love per se, but i don't think it's just motherly either, it's somewhere in between i'd say.
Sep 4, 2018
@starlightcitypro Hmmm, I disagree. Like @princess_daphie said, it's maybe somewhere in between, a gray area. I reread the manga recently, and what stood out to me most is her reflection when Mashuu confessed. The line "why can't we be together." It could be interpreted in multiple ways of course, but it definitely does seem a bit romantic to say that after a confession.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 11, 2019
Leaving him (the ex?) hanging without giving him a reason and closure was her bad but Satoko doesn't own him marriage.
Mar 6, 2019
Idk but my heart hurts when I read this manga. I also just want a happy ending for both of them that we can all be satisfied with.

Thank you for the update! 💖

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