Watashi wa Succubus to Kiss o Shita - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - Hand to hand contact, what does that mean...?

Group Leader
May 3, 2020
@Skiepher @PeachMangoTea @User1569 @Lilisionnach @Gothic_Catalyst @210astat @shemper @Alice_is_lost douitashimashite guys! happy to see you all in the comments section!

@reen112 yep, this manga's monthly release is a long wait!

@ykyrlv i'm happy you've noticed and like it. i find it so much more pleasing when i can deliver the best quality possible! and yeah, it's a bit weird. i think it's one of those stories that you have to shut down your brain and just watch while stuff happens, with or without reason behind, lol

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