Lemme tell ya kiddos... future tattoo seekers... it does hurt like hell. I have two tattoos (two, because it is a survive-able torture). My first, on the side of my foot - hurt like a MFer! Why? Because the less fat. Everything she's doing in the manga is normal responses. In fact the thinner or bonier the area, the more it hurts. So when you get them on places like your foot (#1 for me) or hand or neck, that bitch is gonna hurt. If you get it on your butt, your nape (#2), or bicep - it's a tad more tolerable. Just be forewarned it does hurt like insanity, until your adrenalin kicks in and you can tolerate it just a tad bit more. If you have good pain tolerance (as I do not!) it will feel like an mere annoyance until finished. Best of luck! Oh and more advice - don't do anything currently trendy. I'd suggest looking back a few eras and finding an older design that has potential with a few upgrades. I wouldn't suggest a cartoon character ever, unless again, you look backwards and find one that stands the test of time. I also would never, ever, ever, ever get a person's name tattooed on your body even if you've been together forever - you NEVER know what's in your future. Shoot, I own property with my man but I'd never get his name on me. I love him, but I'm not stupid enough to think a tattoo guarantees anything more!