I'm glad and relieved that she's more mature and calmer now, ofc, almost 10 years changes anyone. I don't see anything wrong from any of them so far, maybe "they" simply didn't become something and luck didn't help them either. Tnks for the chapter <3
@Denkiiki mmm, taking advantage? Well, IMO even if he were now trying to date her, it wouldn't necessarily mean he's doing that. We should be aware of his current intention first, then knowing how it was their past together and what that past meant and mean for both of them and how much they have changed from that point till now. It's not that easy to judge.
I also believe that people can change and a relationship that didn't bloom in the past can grows smoother and more naturally in the future, ofc, as long as they respected each other and if their new selves are ready to do so. That happens u know, without judgment or ill intention people with story together can become a happy couple. But who knows in which case are these two.