Sorry, I have a hard time understanding what you mean, but I guess you were talking about the easter eggs I added in the chapter? If so I'm literally just retranslating chapter 1-26 because I didn't translate those, and almost everyone have already read the other version by now, so adding small easter eggs in the retranslated version are like whatever, it's just my own enjoyment. (and retranslating in itself is unnecessary anyway) So yeah, I don't understand where your problem is coming from.
Is it that you think me "changing the original" is not respecting the original? In that case we can argue I also translate the SFX, I also changed and used a variety of fonts, which weren't in the original, since the original was way simpler.
I'm sorry I just like to have fun during the translation and typesetting process, not everyone needs to think about scanlation like a company or whatever that needs to build up a professional image. It's just a hobby, and quality wise I think we're still better.
Also, if you are worried that if I do that later or not, then yeah, sometimes, but only for some mediocre stuff that goes unnoticed 99% of the time, nothing as "big as this", but I don't have to prove anything either way, since I still only change stuff that are not important, while I also keep the meaning intact.
(To be honest this is kinda typical... people ignore everything good you do the moment they see 1 thing they don't like... can't satisfy everyone)