Webtoon Character Na Kang Lim - Ch. 153 - Webtoon Character OOO

Dex-chan lover
Apr 19, 2018
?? The author literally apologized publicly and said they'll try to do better, even though they didnt even have to apologize.
Sure, I'll respect you and delete my replies, if I can.

Edit: replied to the wrong comment.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 10, 2023
This chapter actually demonstrates some nice dramatic irony. The webtoon author herself was once in a pitiable situation but got miraculous help and a chance to turn things around. Now that she has that power though other peoples’ situations don’t matter to her and she’s become completely cold and unsympathetic.
Lol Thanks for pointing it out I missed that
Dex-chan lover
Oct 10, 2023
I didnt want to say it here, but can we please just enjoy the journey here? All you guys achieve with trying to look up MTL sites and whatnot is for me to just stop uploading here
It's not the intention but ppl really hate betrayals, especially when it's to someone who absolutely doesn't deserve it and it's from ppl close to them. NTR is commonly hated.

We've had 150+ chaps of seeing him putting everyone else first and going thru hell only for this to happen. We enjoyed the journey so far, it's just this segment we don't. Even personally I'll probably stop reading this series if I can't find when this'll end since then I'll at least have a goal to endure it till then.
Jun 1, 2024
Wew, coming back to this thread after reading till latest chp(157 at this current time), I find it funny that people thrashed this chapter. Tbh, I was thinking "when will the original MC appear?" because let's face it, Kang Lim took his role and at some point, he will return as original MC as plot point. Even foreshadowed earlier when Kang Lim was prepared for any twist coming his way after Suna Byul arc, only to realize months has passed and nothing occurred(aside from his dating his girls, wish the drill hair girl gets more screentime since she gets the lowest one before but oh well).

Fck author. This's completely unnecessary fillers
Eh, I prefer this than So Yong and Yerim's arc. Honestly, the two chuuni's arc and romance are just fillers dragged too long and screams filler. Could have save some chapters for Suna Byul's instead. I'm glad it's done because not really interested. The chuuni is a good comic relief but that is it, I personally don't care about his story/background. It is a nice flavor to add but when it showed that Yerim will interact with So Yong, that's when I know what will happen(lo and behold, they are shipped together) and just skipped most of it. Honestly could have done the plot without the romance, it is just a way to remove Yerim from potential harem slot. Not like it matter since the twins never existed.

Now that I think about it, author remove Teacher as LI for Kang Lim. A teacher as rival love. For shame.

But can't say there's any more fillers, since it seems that this will be the final arc. Probably. I don't know how the author(real) can add more arcs since it is now a showdown between Kang Lim and Cupid King. Maybe the author can surprise me with more arcs, who knows.
Last edited:
May 31, 2024
.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... man.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2018
not bad at all for plot development I figured they'd use the MC somehow but I'm sure our man Kang will figure out some way to challenge the gods at this rate lmfao.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 19, 2023
Is it just me, but I feel creepy about that OG protagonist?
Apr 5, 2019
I know people hating this, but this actually a good plot and an interesting story. Another unique problem for our mc to solve.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 23, 2024
idk mate i feel like fighting the person that is basically god in your world feels like a bad idea
Nov 24, 2020
Yeah, lol. I dunno how he thought that going against the person who's practically the god of the world would end well... But like another commenter has said, this should be a good chance for Kang Lim to figure out whether the girls really liked him for who he is, or if it was just because of his role as a protagonist.

On another note, I really like the the author girl (Cupid King). Her appearance is totally my type xD I'm a sucker for girls with that kind of hair and eyes, haha. The contrast between her playful acting and darker side is a nice extra too. Although not sure if that was part of her personality before she got her powers or if that developed afterwards... Hmm...
Double-page supporter
Nov 18, 2020
Oh wow, NTR.

This shit is worse than sending him back to his og world after everything he sacrificed LOL

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