At least he got kicked out tho i would've done so immediately. or make the hotel take as much money as possible assuming they can take money from him as a rich kid who prolly has an allowance unless it's just in game gold that he'd have to 'earn' lol
Thanks for the chapter!
Well, that answers what power she has against hostile customers to a degree, but what about physical aggression?
Maybe she'll get bouncers in the future for that.
I mean, yeah, she's not obligated to keep someone that tried to assault her hanging around. I'm curious if the hotel protects her from stuff like, just very strong hunters who can just punch her without having to use a power.
I mean, yeah, she's not obligated to keep someone that tried to assault her hanging around. I'm curious if the hotel protects her from stuff like, just very strong hunters who can just punch her without having to use a power.