What are some fun games you came up with?

Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2018
Have you ever been so bored without your phone or some situation like that and because of that you try to make up something fun to do?

I actually made a better version of tic-tac-toe back in 10th grade or something.
In a 5x5 grid, there are three "blocks" where you can't place your move. Both you and your opponent can play two moves each round. The first to hit four-in-a-row wins.

This is actually very challenging since you must think ahead to corner the opponent in a situation where you could have, not two possible "win conditions", but three. This is cause the opponent can block two of your winning moves. That's why in order to win you need to open three possibilities.

Extra challenge: if you have the first move in this map you are guaranteed to win no matter what (unless your opponent happens to figure out the only counter to this). Try to figure out why ;)
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Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2018
middle block and the one just below it obviously orientation can change it the one right of middle but gonna keep one below middle for counter

Only counter: the one above the middle block and the one right of the middle
Jan 18, 2018
Code: [x,y] for x-th column from the left, y-th row from the bottom.

First move: [3,3], [3,4]

Opponent move: Has to block [3,2], must choose between blocking [2,3], [2,5], [4,2] and {4,5].

All these moves have a counter. Player 1 wins.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2018
Arlogia plan and mine are basically the same and we win round 3 no matter what
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2018
In order to win round 2. They two blocks must be together as you need four in a row. They cannot be separated or else player 2 can just put one between them.

Each row/column only requires one block as long as the block is not on the border.

This means that the blocks have to be in the center so you can get diagonals into the picture.

So there are only 6 places to put blocks in the center. The middle block is paramount. More on that later

4,4 is absolutely useless.

All the options except the middle can be blocked by player 2 putting a block in the middle.

Thats leads to middle and anyone of the adjacent blocks.

2,3 or 3,2 + middle can be easily blocked

So must be 3,3 and 3,4 or 4,3 but that still won't win round 2 but it can win round 3
Cause no matter where player 2 blocks there will be a way
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2019
Less fun and more torture, create patterns on a rubiks cube without using a solved state, that is create it from the ground up. Brain occasionally breaks down as I try to figure out if a piece is in the right orientation.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2018
@Teddy Oh my bad. I meant that the three blocks are placed at the beginning of the game with the consensus of the two players; usually just placed randomly. They both don't have three blocks to place by themselves as an in-game move. Tho that would make a very interesting, different game.

@EOTFOFYL That is torture. Why.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2019

Memorizing specific algorithms is a pain when I can just apply what I already know. The most painful one are the cube in a cube patterns.

It takes a bit of mental power to visualize how it looks as you solve it and what it should look as you go through the motion. It's harder to spot mistakes and when you do unless you can trace back you're going to have a bad day.

Also my other cubes died/went MIA/too hard/too lazy to learn, leaving me with good old 3x3x3. Heck I own this thing:

and getting it into a cube form was good enough for me.

I'm also too lazy to learn to solve the last layer of this thing:

It's basically a 3x3x3 with extra steps.
May 16, 2018
On really boring hours, I try my hand at conceptualizing a duel game, trying to build on the idea of using letters as "cards," which still does not have a concrete set of rules as of writing this.

The groundwork (tentative, probably does not make sense at all, but whatever):
[ul]The game is played between two players, both start with 1000 HP.
At the start of the game, both players draw seven from a deck of 100 cards.
The game is divided into several "rounds" and ends until there are no more cards left or one of the player's HP hits 0.
At the beginning of each round, both players can play up to three cards into the "field". They can also end a round without playing any cards, if they wish to do so.
Each card may carry one or more effects with them such as inflicting damage, regaining HP, boosting another card's effect/s, etc. In addition, some effects are only possible if certain set of cards are played in the field, and some cards have effects that change depending on the cards the opponent has played.
The player with the most HP wins.[/ul]
My main problem is what sort of effects I should give to the cards, and how I should group them. Maybe I should not limit myself to 26, and up the number of cards to 64?
There's also the undeniable fact that this is an unnecessarily complex and boring rock-paper-scissors-like game with cards instead of hands.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 20, 2018
Back in middle school, I and my rl friends often do spitting contests to see who can spit farthest from top floor. We stopped tragically after one of my friend accidentally spit on a bald dude's head and took a punch straight to his face though.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 16, 2018
Well, there was this game where we compete with each other on who can spot a cat on the side of the road and said "nyanpasu" faster...
But that probably only works for my group (fun for us) and maybe if you happen to have to take like 12 hours trip back to your hometown by car or some other place that took awhile and the area for whatever reason tend to have a cat show up on the side of the road.
Jul 16, 2018
Counting all the lights in a tunnel, or holding your breath all the way through a tunnel. We used to do that when we were several kids in a car, going to one of the cities farther south from my home. A two hour drive had 17 tunnels, some a few hundred meters, the longest over 4 km. That longest tunnel is impossible to hold one's breath through, we all lost every time. And we could only count the lights in the shorter tunnels, lost concentration if they got too long.

I think kids still play those games in this area, if they're out of mobile data.

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