What has happened to me ~The story of an Uyghur man who now lives in Japan~ - Oneshot

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Dex-chan lover
Oct 25, 2018
China influence is so strong that it's hard to prove their wrong doing.
As long they're inside their own country they're practically Invincible.

Uyghur can't be helped without waging a war with China at this point honestly.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 14, 2018
I wonder if and how China would try to censor these. They've got a tight hold of image-posting websites/apps, but they haven't made much of a dent on full manga.
Mar 5, 2019
Searched the name, found this video, which makes sense with the last page of the one shot, like damn.


Thats a brave move if anything tbh.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2018
@cryum They won't even bother. We're weak to DDOS and similar attacks. Mangadex has come near extinction at least twice from those kinds of exploits. The CCP can just erase us from existence if we piss them off enough, no need to bother with censorship. This is the riskiest manga Mangadex has ever hosted. Let's hope the CCP cyber warriors don't care enough about a manga to act the way they usually would.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 27, 2019
Wow, this gave me the chills. It's like the dystopian future in half-life 2 and Alyx where the combine forcefully prevents reproduction to thin out the population.

Come and escape over to Bangladesh! We gave refuge to fleeing Rohingyas, we can probably do the same for you. It's primarily a Muslim country but people from all religious backgrounds are here (like me who's Christian). Though I guess it would be a bit too far from where the Uyghur's live.

Anyway, what a shitty situation. These are the types of things that lead to civil wars. When America tried to stop the spread of communism more countries should've lent a hand so as to avoid it getting this far. But what do I know, I'm not knowledgeable about any of that stuff so I can't complain about things I don't know or have not experienced.
Apr 5, 2020
Honestly sounds like China is taking a page from Japan's book and hoping it goes over as well as Japan. Purge the ethnic minorities and either have them assimilate into your majority or otherwise force them out.

Let me be clear that I am not supporting China. I am saying we should criticize China for this. I am ALSO saying we should ALSO criticize other countries such as Japan, which is most relevant here given the setting, for its own VERY SIMILAR actions.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
I've read a lot of geopolitical commentators about the uyghur situation, but it's always gut wrenching when you put a face an personal story to tales like these.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 11, 2019
@Walter_vi_Britannia "Wow, this gave me the chills. It's like the dystopian future in half-life 2 and Alyx where the combine forcefully prevents reproduction to thin out the population.
Come and escape over to Bangladesh! We gave refugee to fleeing Rohingyas, we can probably do the same for you. It's primarily a Muslim country but people from all religious backgrounds are here (like me who's Christian). Though I guess it would be a bit too far from where the Uyghur's live.
Anyway, what a shitty situation. These are the types of things that lead to civil wars. When America tried to stop the spread of communism more countries should've lent a hand so as to avoid it getting this far. But what do I know, I'm not knowledgeable about any of that stuff so I can't complain about things I don't know or have not experienced.

I'm a Christian as well but "communism" isn't what it claims to be, it's actually a form of totalitarian fascism. Personally I think all countries are heading that way with the Draconian practices brought about by the "coronavirus" (it's just a variant of the flu yet they shutdown so many countries, personally I'm a conspiracy theorist and believe we're starting to see a shift towards end times). What's worse is the way every country is putting in security cameras everywhere and their different national security departments (like our CIA), I can see this being more the norm for all countries rather than an exception, I know parts of the US some of the government representatives have made statements of snitch and get paid for those that they claim are violating quarantine... seems like a page borrowed from China's playbook with a slightly changed reason.
Double-page supporter
Dec 27, 2018
Dang author is lucky.

The reason that his relatives need to permission to see doctor is bc (allegedly) the ccp is doing human experiments on them (as in the uyigar)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
Terrible story, I’ve known for a few years of their situation when I heard of Rebiya Kadeer, a woman who opposes the Chinese while exiled in the US. Look her up, she’s quite amazing.
Power Uploader
Jan 18, 2018
I won't defend the Chinese, they are an aggressive and expansionist force for much evil in this world. They don't belong in Tibet and Taiwan should be recognized as an independant nation, and indeed what they're doing to the Uyghur people is cruel and wrong. However, he mentioned his father was an Imam and presumably arrested for that reason. Islamic societies have repeatedly done horrible things to other cultures they confront When you have two cultures that are incompatible colliding, there can only be one eventual outcome. When Islam repeatedly attacked Christian countries in the middle ages, eventually Christians fought back with the Crusades. Wherever Islam exists there is conflict between those that follow it and those that don't. Heck theres even deadly violence between different sects of Islam itself. So while I feel pity for this mans individual circumstances, the irony is not lost on me that if the situation was reversed and the Islamic believers held the balance of power it would undoubtedly be a similar or even worse situation. At least I base this on what I know of Islamic conflicts throughout history. Still, even without Islam there would have been conflict between the Han Chinese. And I would have been more sympathetic to their plight without the existence of Islam in the region. It's a shame. I'm not a fan of Islam or Communism. Hopefully one day the people of this region are free from both and the people living there can farm raisins in peace.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2019
@Walter_vi_Britannia dudes can't even go outside without them noticing, let alone escaping them borders.
there is no war, no holes in their borders, no way to escape without riot or things which lead to death of many.
Mar 31, 2019
Well all these would do is increase frustration and helplessness as no one can truely do anything against a country in this age,
Other than a disease wiping them out but the current one wont do..
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2019
I got fucking chills. I knew that the Chinese government did bad stuff, but I never heard a first-hand account of it before.
Feb 20, 2019
Ppl are shitting on China as if their country are something better. What about first nation in Canada? natives in the US, aboriginal in Australia, ainu and ryukyu in Japan, damn even native Taiwan in... Taiwan. Same dirty shit, just different (and better) lies.
And I'm not a fan of Christianity too, their tentacles have reached almost all over the world.
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