What has happened to me ~The story of an Uyghur man who now lives in Japan~

Mar 11, 2018
It reminds me of Persepolis. It's heartbreaking that this sort of repression is still happening even in "modern" times.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 9, 2018
I knew some of these were happening thanks to youtube & Chine Uncensored but dang to hear it from someone who is actually from there & it's much much worse...


Active member
Mar 24, 2019
Allah's wrath upon them will be worse than the Covid
Dex-chan lover
Mar 27, 2019
This deserves to be on the Uncensored Library since this information is probably blocked in China. And it might be taken down from here too eventually.
Aug 1, 2018
Uyghur concentration camp stories are going to become the new Holocaust survivor stories, aren't they? I hope the people in China realize how awful their government is and overthrow them, but I would also accept a meteor hitting the Communist party headquarters.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
It’s weird to see that is has a «Shared universe» with other manga. That’s just reality.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
This is awful and must be stopped.
But we should keep in mind that our own countries are also doing things which are horrible and must be stopped. My own country of Canada is important in aiding the rape of Haiti, support of the dictatorship in Honduras and helping corral the "Lima Group" which gives cover to the US sanctions which have killed tens of thousands in Venezuela. Britain and the EU do their share of vicious shit. And the US . . . bombings and slaughter and imprisonment and impoverishment and funding terrorism and sponsoring coups and theft and sanctions, destruction and ruination and murder all over the world. Not to mention what they're doing to immigrants and refugees, which looks a lot like what the CCP are doing to Uyghurs, minus a lot of creepy re-education but plus a bunch of brutality and rape. The CCP leadership, nasty as they are, look like friggin' saints compared to the US foreign policy establishment. So fuck the CCP, yes . . . but not as an excuse to say "us good, them bad".
Group Leader
Aug 19, 2018
@miscellany is it really awful? the chinese government realizes that in order to manage a population of over 1 billion stability is vital. terrorist groups such as the Turkestan Islamic Movement threaten the stability of the nation and the only way to maintain that is to prevent the spread of their ideas. the US has done a very costly job of that in the middle east, but it is different with China. in order to prevent their citizens from radicalizing ideas,they see subjecting some number of people to "re-education" as the best method to prevent spreading of extremist thought. and by "re-education" probably they intend to completely wipe out the islamic religious component of their population, or at least reduce it so far that the citizens will be more loyal to the country than to the religion. in theory this should work, but in practice, detaining and imprisoning people never goes very well, and some of these stories are reminiscent of the US's treatment of prisoners in Abu Ghraib.

the sacrifice of 1million lives (if western sources are to be believed) is still small in comparison to more than 1 billion others, and sacrificing 0.01% of the population to ensure the other 99.9% live in peace is a path the chinese government is willing to take. the people of china will never overthrow the CCP, and that is an unrealistic hope of the west that assume western ideals are fundamentally superior. China's government ensures improvements in the quality of life for the people, and keeps them happy and uncaring with propaganda.

but the west is no stranger to propaganda. China Uncensored and various other youtube channels which claim to present the "real" China are backed by US government groups. I wouldn't be surprised of somehow these manga were connected as well. The United States' efforts in controlling information are also largely successful, and these manga even may be influenced by US government backed organizations like Radio Free Asia or the NED.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
What is happening to the Uyghur muslims is no less than genocide.

I have done much work with the Holocaust as I have met many survivors and volunteered at a museum for a little bit, (I don't want to doxx myself but that's all I'll say) and the parallels between the two are soul-crushing. However, because of close relations to China and the already totalitarian political regime within the system, little can be done to incentive China to stop. All-out war is impractical, governing bodies like the UN can't do much because China is a leader on those committees, and economic incentivizes is hard when they export most of our goods, etc. It's hard to stop and the most we can do is spread awareness of the horrors of the CCP and the oppression of Chinese citizens.

Keep in mind that the Uyghurs have been around for at least 1,200 years in what is now China, and has been Islamic sense the Mongols spread into China. They're deeply rooted within the history of the nation and have been on the receiving end of many attempts of genocide, conquest, and cultural suppression in that time.

Examples of such actions taken against the Uyghurs would not only include Re-Education and Concentration Camps, but also limiting of basic freedoms. Naming a child anything that would cause "religious fervor" (specifically, "Muhammad") is illegal. The children of those who were detained are held at state-approved schools which they are indoctrinated into the party, forced to learn Mandarin, and forbidden from practicing any of the traditions in Islam, such as the five daily prayers. Mosques were forced to be shut down, the CCP forced cohabitation with ethnic Han Chinese, destruction of ethnic and historical graveyards, and removal of academics and intellectuals. As for the camps themselves, they for the survivors to undergo brutal humiliation to erase their identity such as eating pork and drinking alcohol. Additionally, testimony of survivors and escapees have includes accusations of forced sterilization, rape, forced abortions, forced usage of contraception and other forms of what the UN classifies as sexual torture. There is also evidence of the Uyghurs being treated with experimental drugs, one survivor named Mihrigul Tursun reports that one of these drugs caused a lost in menstruation, as well as was most likely responsible for the deaths of at least 1 in every 9 patients. Tursun, herself, also tests to being electrocuted until she lost consciousness and white foam came out of her mouth. The most horrible, however, is the accusations that the Chinese government is intentionally harvesting organs from the Uyghur Muslims. Calling the system Orwellian is an understatement.

The camps have extremely poor conditions, often 60 people living in close proximity with little clothes to wear, food to eat, and means to access basic hygiene.

Make no mistake: what is being done here is outright and indisputable genocide.
Jan 24, 2018
This is not an attack on islam necessarily by the CCP - There are muslims with in China, notably the Hui people, a minority ethnic group within china that are muslims and live within china and they are not persecuted, there mosques and the likes. There are also Uyghur actresses and even CCP members.

It is in fact more to do with some parts of the Xinjiang region have been a hot bed for radical groups. China's response is disproportionate and despicable. However, I do think this issue is being used politically by groups to attack china whilst other atrocities the rohingas in Myanmar, Muslims in kashmir and india overall, buddhist persecution in Bangladesh are just a few of many others that do not receive such attention and action by western governments. It is rather odd seeing the USA and to a certain extent Europe standing up for muslims, its like an oxymoron if anything...

Its a different approach but its the same as Russia fight with the Chechen

The majority muslim countries side with china on this issue - probably because it puts economic interest over these issues but

I do not think this is genocide as some people have put it but a process of forced assimilation - many countries in Western Europe did this throughout the 20th century and some continue. it has also been done and still everywhere else in the world some of the cases I mentioned are of rohingas, buddhists in bangladesh some are forced assimilation others are forced uproot and expulsion.

I do not call this genocide because neither muslims or uyghurs are being exterminated from china.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
the manga was smell like propaganda and the rest . i dont like xinjiang playing victim card ,since im reading newspaper too in the past they attacking and doing terorism act before playing victim . that is today.

was mangadex become place for politic now? .
and somehow nobody blame america and saudi for what they doing

sorry with bad english
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
It's understandable why most of the world wouldn't want to antagonize its iPhone supplier.
But there are plenty of Muslim countries, some are filthy rich and have nukes. From what I heard, this religion is pretty important to them. Surely they must be doing something to help their less fortunate fellow Muslims, right?
May 14, 2019
All these fucking CCP apologists in the comments and chapter comments should really be ashamed lol

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