@shwiftyshfifty @kirbo
I concur too, but other things are not finished yet. (they are working on it). As told by devs, RSS wil most likely be last thing done. RSS is ancient, just like IRC. Both are throws backs to the BBS and text message boards days.
RSS up and running is no small en devour.
Depending on the implementation (
https://mangadex.dev/mangadex-v5-infrastructure-overview/) , the feed page is a dump of SQL table stuff. All you need to do is parse the last 25 feed items into a very basic xml (
https://www.w3schools.com/xml/xml_rss.asp) and in the user info tables attach rss file path for each user. which you can link to on the profile or something. Obviously make it so that the file path is pseudo random to stop people like, sequentially going through feeds. At least thats how I'd do it on a small scale server. I know that they're not really dealing with that and security is top priority. But like, stop acting like this shit is hard. Now, how a server acts to having to update 60,000 rss feeds cause a popular manga drops would be interesting however its already kind of already tasking the server every time somebody checks their update page cause its asking for new stuff.
My apologies for the rant, I'm sure the devs could do it in 3 days + code review + qa. But yeah they prioritizing other, much harder stuff but not soley like incrementing a counter or two on a page click or on the flag of a manga closing (just with catching duplicates from the same users).