What It Means to Be You - Ch. 6

Oct 7, 2019
I can’t wait... can someone tell me how long it will take before he actually figures out what’s been happening to her when he’s not around?
Sep 5, 2020
The comments are funny ngl.

Anyways, people still giving themselves reason to shat on Ml, bunch of goofballs. Why also say such a thing lol, why would she say it though 💀 goddamn 😂. Hard topic to talk about not gonna get into.

Also feel like there’s more stuff within the mansion he doesn’t know about, the people that are hurting her from within his circle.
Sep 3, 2020
ugh this is so sad and the worst cliffhanger i'm so grateful that you uploaded 2 chapters but i should've not read this one TT, i was fine with ch 5's cliffhanger, this one is too frustrating 💀
Active member
Mar 7, 2019
dude thinks he’s a genius but he doesn’t know what’s going on in his own house, among his employees and family, and hasn’t given enough of a damn to regularly review it
Sep 11, 2020
May 6, 2020
Man the female lead is so out of the ML's league. Ditch him for the peaceful countryside. You don't need him.

I'm telling you. The reason a second male lead hasn't been introduced yet is because all the readers would immediately jump ship, and when the trash ML ends up with the FL, they'll riot.
Aug 14, 2020
I can’t get behind this ml yet. Yes he seems to be actually trying to give her a good life and its other messing it up, but the fact that he doesnt spend any amount of time with her is still true. If he did then he would notice all the things being done to her. Also he felt what it was like to be her for just a moment, always in massive amounts of pain and the doctor dismissing her. Why did he not take that as a sign that maybe something was wrong? And who cares if you suffered more than her? Mental and physical abuse are two different things and shouldnt be compared like that. Also what is his problem with actually listening to her? She makes an honest request when he said he would reward her and he immediately shuts her down, and gets mad when shes hurt that he aggressively shut her down for not speaking her mind, like, what the fuck? This man needs to grow some awareness otherwise theyll keep switching and he’ll uncover whats happening on her end at a snails pace. At least the fl has enough awareness to know he has it rough so I can’t imagine much will be a revelation to her, so really this story hinges on the ml growing some fucking brains.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 23, 2020
he hasn't reviewed it in person or checked personally if the reports he received about her was correct. But yeah, he's dumbass. This dude doesn't even know that the all the presents that he sent to her, never got into her hands but instead were stolen by those surrounding her.

both of them grows brains and communicates better but it's going to take a long time before that happens. It gets a bit annoying in that regard. Might be better to wait and read it a bunch of chapters instead piecemeal.
Feb 27, 2021
Holy bejeezus. What an incredibly toxic relationship. Honey, you deserve to be free from this entitled, neglectful ass.

To everyone reading this: I had an abusive childhood with an extremely toxic environment. I let it fester in me until I finally reached a breaking point and went to therapy. A major red flag of a toxic relationship is when someone "minimizes" your emotions. Here, our lovely ML (gag) responds to her suicidal comment by dismissing her sorrow since he had a shitty childhood. Essentially, he is saying, "your depression is not valid" and, subconsciously, it teaches a person to stop valuing their own emotions since they are told the feelings they have are wrong. Which leads to bad things. If you catch someone saying something similar to you ("why are you dad when X has it worse?"), my therapist said you need to call out that person on the spot ("why are you invalidating my emotions? Why are you minimizing my pain? Etc.). It's abusive and controlling and a huge red flag.

Anyways, our ML, to me, is irredeemable and I want him to die sad and alone. He's so wrapped up in his own trauma and so selfish that he doesn't even recognize his wife as a human being. Ehat a useless man.
Aug 26, 2020
honestly say it louder for the people in the back @GlassSlipper put my thoughts and sentiments towards the ML's current actions really well;; genuinely it's not an excuse, though his background was super painful, she's literally just asking for simple time together
Oct 14, 2019
god he’s so dense it’s disgusting

@GlassSlipper 👏🏾 it’s the fact that he literally transformed into her after a suicide attempt had to have seen an empty bottle of medicine and like ten bottles of wine on the floor, didn’t even realize that she tried to off herself. ignores her and rejects the only thing she ever asks of him (simply attend events with her so that she doesn’t get bullied by his fucking family), proceeds by getting mad at her for not speaking up about her wants after he literally dismisses anything she asks for, slick insults her appearance, personality, and mannerisms daily, and straight up told her she’s childish for making a suicidal comment, and implied she didn’t even have the right because he was abused his entire childhood, and that she should get over whatever pain he’s causing her because 1) he literally just doesn’t care 2) he doesn’t want to admit to himself that he’s a shit person and 3) he doesn’t want to carry the guilt of her killing herself when let’s be honest, her attempt was literally his fault. she tried so hard after her brother betrayed her, his family and society ridicules and bullies her, and now the only person left in her life doesn’t even give a shit about her. it was her decision, but he literally drove her to it. i mean honestly who tf would want to live a life like that anyways. i wouldn’t.
Group Leader
Jul 19, 2019
Everyone suffer in their own way. You don't get to brag about what you got worse. Something small for you might be big for someone else.

Don't you dare pull shit like "He actually love you but don't know how to express it" shit on me. This is straight up asshole and nobody is going to convince me otherwise. So the girl should just keep her distance and go her own way.
Nov 27, 2020
im supposed to support this ML? he has no emotions besides annoyance and anger, he may be 'fulfilling' his duties as a husband in terms of money but this bastard doesn't even bother to check on how his wife is doing? did you really think throwing money at her would work, as if every servant and worker there is some morally pure angel? you KNOW she has a meek personality and you didn't think that wouldn't, yknow, affect how the servants treat her in your absence?

and holy hell, your wife is revealing suicidal ideation in front of you, after you made it clear you have Zero time to spare for her, and you get OFFENDED? what on earth do you know about her life to determine that her suffering is any less valid than yours, you absolute ass-wipe of a man? no, don't fucking go googly-eyed at her when she dresses up, you don't deserve her.

second ML please enter the stage soon, even if you're not endgame, because i feel no love for this man.

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