@hazzack 🙄
If you mean you would rather revert back to a default avatar, you can click on the name of a user displaying the default avatar you prefer, then right click the image, and save it to your computer.
Then you just have to browse it and upload it.
I vaguly recall coming across a mangadex gallery with site and contest images in it, but I'm not sure where. Maybe
@plykiya could shed a light on that.
It kinda stinks that the DMs are down, because if you have a custom avatar in mind, I actually enjoy making avas and graphic sigs so I may be of some help. (still holding out hope of creating a art guilde)
As for the elusive mystery ava it's kind of hard to tell if the description is based on the ava's appearence, or a character plotline I haven't discovered yet.😳
If it's appearance
@greenfrost's girl sprite look's like she may be a possible winner.(GOOD RIDDANCE TO YOU! 😡
where are you going? 😥)
The wording of the description brings to mind a fusion of Shaggy and the gyaro side chick from 'Tomo-chan Wa Onnanoko!' 😄