Wicked Trapper: Hunter of Heroes - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

Aug 30, 2019
Stop making this into a political discussion please, using left wing -ism pronouns is cringey as fuck, racial conflicts and stereotypes/tropes are a normal thing not the exception so stop whining about psuedo-fantasy ideas you may or may not read from social media.
And yes; evil people can be rapists as well, it would be strange for them to not be one :)
Dex-chan lover
Jul 9, 2019
Most people aren't evil. I can say that straight to your face if you want if you live nearby.

Humans are selfish and put their own well being before others (besides their offspring) is true though, but considering that is literally how majority of mammalian species operate that is more part of how we evolved over anything else.

Over the past 150 years human society has improved insanely. And not just technologically wise.

You look me into the eyes and tell me that society could have evolved to this point if humans were inherently evil.

We have tribalistic nature and are selfish and at times, apathetic, but evil? No.

Majority of people aren't this type of boring archetype. Humans are extremely complex creatures, every single one of us. We hold contradictory values about lot of stuff and constantly change our values and ideals, especially in this age of information.

So we are at worst, stuck in the grey zone, at best, mildly in the good aligned zone.
Active member
Feb 2, 2019
That really depends how you define good and evil.

In my opinion, Humans representing the cliched "evil" in this series is a parallel with the exploitation of natural resources.

As you said, Humans put their own well being before others, this also applies to putting their own species well being before others. Our society is thriving because we are taking resources from nature, from an outside source and without a single care. Trees, water, earth, we exploit animals species and look down on them, enslaving them in circus or houses as comfort pets for our own little sake. Although some might retort "Domesticated animals might die in nature", this is for me a very superficial saying, that doesn't take into account their feelings and our mutual respect with others forms of living.

Humans are indeed complex, as the MC is portraying (and probably more human characters to come in the manga). The real source of evil here is the ideas conveyed by the society the humans are living in. Although I haven't been there to talk about it accurately, I'd say look back at the German military during the Second War, at the police in Hong Kong or China, North Korea and others states that use violence against citizens, obey and follow the ideas of their rulers. Make a parallel with animals, with nature, and you can assume this will be the same with aliens, new forms of living, and in the case of this manga "demons".

As individual, we are complex and perhaps aligned in the "good", but as a collective form, we are simplistic and at great risk of corruption.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 19, 2018
I'm sure the higher ups push the human demon shit so they can take their land, make loads of slaves and take their riches. Unfortunately the crown controls all propaganda so the vast majority think the demons are the ones who attacked first
Dex-chan lover
Sep 29, 2018
"So we are at worst, stuck in the grey zone, at best, mildly in the good aligned zone." Not to twist your words or anything and I apologize for breaking into your conversation, but what is good? Isn't it just some thing we just made up along the way as we grew to design morals based on what makes us feel good and bad? Because anything anybody does in the name of 'good' can be 'bad' for other people.

For example: A man fights for his country putting his life on the line to secure his home and families survival but to do that he must fight and kill others who have their own wishes, goals and family.
And a woman giving an apple to a starving child in a third world country.

The man can be said to be grey seeing as he's actively killing people in pursuit of some goal. But the man doesn't think so, he believes that his enemies are pure evil trying to take everything from him. His enemy has exactly the same mindset as the man they both think their good and righteous despite having little to no clue behind the actual reason why their fighting

The woman who gave the child an apple just prolonged the kids eventual death, an apple wouldn't save the kid and a bit of money wouldn't either, If she wanted to save the child she could of given everything she had to them, but she didn't, why would she after all, the kid has little to no chance of surviving anyway. But maybe the child believes there was actual good in the world the moment someone gave them something for free and died happy.

The only actual pure good action I can think of that makes sense with what humans think good and evil are is the act of sacrifice. Like someone giving away the last food they have to some one in need or sacrificing yourself for a stranger if you were in a situation where you could exchange your life for another, the only problem with this which is essentially the epitome of goodness is that you'll still upset anyone you have a close bond to by dying.

All this good or bad nonsense is just us humans trying to categorize or actions.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 9, 2019
Well, I was replying to a comment about humans being evil. While you were talking about the concepts of good. Under the same logic, evil isn't really a thing. It is mostly a social concept.

You can't define things as evil without admitting the existence of there being some general conception of what is good. And what is considered good differs from person to person.

But honestly, I agree with ye guys, but I was replying to someone that clearly has set view that there are things that are "evil"

For me, like ye guys, it is very much about the perspective of the people just what is considered "good".

Ofc I hold personal values that I consider good. For example, I consider helping someone help themselves to be infinitely more "good" than helping someone without making the person learn to deal with the issue themselves (or at the very least learn how to ask for help).

I consider teaching people new skills without it causing damage to other to also be a "good" act.

Would I kill in a war if I was fighting for my country? Yes. Would I still consider the act of killing someone else as evil? Yes. As you said, those on the other side usually also have families.

Which would indicate that, even if some wars are necessary, they are still inherently evil as they cause too much collateral damage (suffering of people) to everyone involved.

But those are still only my personal values of these concepts. In the end, those are just values we use to make the world have some form of structure, just as you said.

I consider humans to be horribly flawed in lot of ways, in ways that frustrate me to no end, but I also think, that without many of these flaws, we humans would be insanely boring. :p
Dex-chan lover
Jan 3, 2019
Anytime an army is like 'Spare only the women and children! We'll reeducate them to our justice!'
I'm like 'Oh. Enslavement or rapes for the women, slaves and trained women for the children.'
Dex-chan lover
Sep 29, 2018
I have to absolutely agree with that end statement, everything would be boring as hell if I didn't feel anger about stupid petty things, find joy in stupid things, laugh about weird things and cry about sad things, what the fuck would people even make if they were perfect? what even is being 'perfect'? Does it involve being beautiful and having peerless strength? Having magic and infinite wisdom? Never making mistakes and being well liked amongst everyone?

Isn't that more alien then anything, I can't even grasp what humans being perfect means? does that mean no wars no deaths and infinite peace love and equality, or does it involve lying in a ditch and not moving? while I understand being perfect in something I can't understand 'being' perfect It sounds boring It probably involves not existing I mean how else would it work? Sounds like a meaningless existence to me.

It's probably why I can't call traits i'm personally irritated by in humans 'flaws' because everything humans do makes sense in a way and if they somehow all loved each other equally and understood each other like they can read each others souls I honestly couldn't call them humans anymore. We've always been like this and there's always someone trying to correct our 'faults' because they see a way humans can be but fail to realize that we've always been like this and that there will always be someone against them and the only way their idea could ever work is if they lobotomized the entire world.

Actually i'm gonna end it here because otherwise I'll never stop. Sorry for the rather pointless tirade I just wanted to say that Flaws only exist when a person sees themselves in another person, kinda like a broken mirror and we're all shards that angrily reflect upon the other that are imbued with the hope of seeking a better future for themselves.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2018
@leaderreborn Why are you talking about Murenase here lol

@xXxheavymetalxXx I'm talking about writing tropes and character ideology interactions not politics wdym? Fictional politics is politics too and telling fiction apart from real politics should be obvious.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 3, 2019

Schools ? You must've been living in a fairyland.
The common thing they tend to do in those situations is reeducation camps, brainwashing them in group, enslaving them en masse, etc.
'Oh, we killed most of their fathers and ancestors and are abusing their mothers as sex slaves , but let's educate them well and kindly'

Not only is that amazing hypocrisy, it's also incredibly stupid, unless they actually lived horrible lives before all that and were abused by their parent(s), in which case they might somehow be grateful for it.
I mean, educating them, unless it's brainwashing education, tends to make them smarter. Then they'll ask about their parents. And if they find out, well, they most likely will want revenge, unless like I said, they hated their parents.

It also raises the questions of why the hell they actually fought the war in the first place, unless they were actually defensive or meant well, but... yeah, they wouldn't outright slaughter any older people or fathers then.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2018
@xXxheavymetalxXx I'm the type of person who you could ask "So who are you voting for" and reply with "idk". Why would I use an sjw word. I was just discussing the fiction, you should read more comment sections to be able to tell.
Double-page supporter
Sep 10, 2018
@xXxheavymetalxXx Just pointing out the fact that in the story the war is being wage not because the human are evil its just different in culture that was also explain in the manga not trying to bring actual politics here which is pretty normal I say wars are often wage due to different in opinion and resource wars are not wage because of evil intent just saying.
Feb 4, 2019
Two things:

1) I think the Germany comment is about how the "superior over all" Nazi party went running for help (Italy and Japan) as soon as they faced opposition.

2) I think the tiara is actually a piece of the Demon King.

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