Well, I was replying to a comment about humans being evil. While you were talking about the concepts of good. Under the same logic, evil isn't really a thing. It is mostly a social concept.
You can't define things as evil without admitting the existence of there being some general conception of what is good. And what is considered good differs from person to person.
But honestly, I agree with ye guys, but I was replying to someone that clearly has set view that there are things that are "evil"
For me, like ye guys, it is very much about the perspective of the people just what is considered "good".
Ofc I hold personal values that I consider good. For example, I consider helping someone help themselves to be infinitely more "good" than helping someone without making the person learn to deal with the issue themselves (or at the very least learn how to ask for help).
I consider teaching people new skills without it causing damage to other to also be a "good" act.
Would I kill in a war if I was fighting for my country? Yes. Would I still consider the act of killing someone else as evil? Yes. As you said, those on the other side usually also have families.
Which would indicate that, even if some wars are necessary, they are still inherently evil as they cause too much collateral damage (suffering of people) to everyone involved.
But those are still only my
personal values of these concepts. In the end, those are just values we use to make the world have some form of structure, just as you said.
I consider humans to be horribly flawed in lot of ways, in ways that frustrate me to no end, but I also think, that without many of these flaws, we humans would be insanely boring.