@tblst I see where you’re coming from, I suppose I interpreted it as more of a propaganda thing.
How do I explain that, like “here are some Japanese who didn’t have blind allegiance to the emperor so we were very humane at that time.” That’s how I interpreted it.
@4V29LN0n I’m from HongKong (But live in America now), so I am very well aware of what the government is doing. I think I know it better than you. We are killing anyone who practices religion, the Mymar specifically. We are refusing to acknowledge Taiwan and their independence, so we attack them not only online but have their people go missing. We are invading the Philippines, and kidnapping their women and selling them to men old enough to be their grandfathers. Oh and the government is brutalizing the people in HongKong because we are protesting and wanting to remain democratic.
@Jam_Packens I suppose you’re right, it was just how I perceived it, and it really bothered me. My family was initially from Nanjing so I don’t like anything Japanese WW2 era and tend to jump to conclusions quickly, and was quick to assume this was Japanese Nationalist Propaganda and them refusing to acknowledge that during that time they were extremely inhumane, and them taking more of a “see we were very human and had morals” then.