Wow, Kaarme's just a goddamn libertarian. Probably wants everyone and anyone who wants one to have access to guns and chemical agents too. Between the two extremes, I prefer the one that doesn't place weapons of mass destruction within the easy reach of any thug or wannabe dictator.
and I would rather have the means to defend myself against a tyrannical government instead of being a defenseless lamb to the slaughter. or are we forgetting that countless mass genocides were allowed to take place when guns were taken from the civilians under the pretense of safety making it so only the ones in power had the weapons
these same people who then proceeded to use it against the innocent populous.
i am American i know my history were it not for civilians with guns America would still continue being exploited under British rule. the second amendment is there specifically to prevent a mass slaughter by the government or invasion by a foreign entity.
as for the nuke network its a system of mutual destruction. everyone has nukes but no one uses them. why is that? simple, cause the moment one country fires a nuke all countries fire them resulting in everyone losing. this in-turn essentially keeps everyone from using nukes.
you want to know what is currently lacking.
mental health care
gun safety training
gun education.
oh an lets not forget the media's big part in this mess.
over-covering the tragedies and under-covering the good deeds and triumphs to form a negative narrative
because negativity sells.
guns are nothing but a tool. what its used for directly depends on the user's intentions. just as they can be used to kill they can also be used to protect. by this same vein a kitchen knife can used for murder but it is also used for cooking.
fucking mixing bleach and vinegar creates chlorine gas.
vinegar is used in cooking and bleach is used for whitening clothes. they are common household items, are we going to ban those too because they can be used cause mass murder. don't you realize that treating the symptoms does nothing about the problem. its not a gun problem its a mental health problem. and banning guns will do absolutely nothing to solve that problem.
enough with the identifying yourself as a political party,
enough of thinking you have to adhere entirely to one ideology,
enough of making your political ideology part of your personal identity.
enough of villainizing and dehumanizing those who don't adhere to your political or ideological views.
just ENOUGH.
now that i made my point and got this sit off my chest i am going to move on. i don't have the energy to do a whole meaningless tango.