might be partly my fault lol. this was one of the harder chapters to translate.I feel like I get it but also don't get it.
Thanks for confirming that. I had an inkling, what with Akebi's difficulties with understanding social cues, but I wasn't completely sure.Ah yes, once again, a japanese manga author accidentally writes what is clearly a person with some form autism(Like me)
Man, people are so quick to blame Japan for anything, as if the rest of the world is so advanced, this happens everywhere and it's been like this for many centuries, the father goes "Just be normal, God Dammit!" and when that doesn't work because they don't understand about autism or anything similar they just throw the blame on the mom and excuse themselves saying "I need to work, is up to you" or something... That's sadly super common all around the world, in some degrees including domestic violence too, not just emotional.Ah yes, once again, a japanese manga author accidentally writes what is clearly a person with some form autism(Like me)
And once again it leaks out Japan's issue of not being well educated in mental health awareness.
Core issue in this arc being:
A japanese family who has no idea how to deal with their child being on the spectrum, so they just say:
"What is wrong with you?
Why are you not normal?
Why don't you fit in?"
I am lucky someone like me on the spectrum was not born in Japan, it seems like it would be hell on Earth to be on the spectrum there where seeking professional mental health help is socially shunned.
No, no, you don't understand only and exclusively people with autism can have communication issues or trouble with expressing themselves properly in the whole wide world. Something something, Japan bad, everything sucks there because only overworked sarariman works exist there trust me I saw it on my chinese cartoons.Man, people are so quick to blame Japan for anything, as if the rest of the world is so advanced, this happens everywhere and it's been like this for many centuries, the father goes "Just be normal, God Dammit!" and when that doesn't work because they don't understand about autism or anything similar they just throw the blame on the mom and excuse themselves saying "I need to work, is up to you" or something... That's sadly super common all around the world, in some degrees including domestic violence too, not just emotional.
The line "How is she supposed to do it properly?" didn't feel like Akebi's own words, it was more like the author's feeling about this very common situation, I live that too.