@DekuDiamond this is just me speaking out of my ass, but everytime archery is protrayed in some sort of japanese media it's almost always done by a feminine figure, so if we assume this is because of a stereotype of "Woman are good at archery" then i don't really see how he would do archery in an attempt to look manlier
@Spoopa: personally I saw more shows/movies/manga with men/boys in kyudo clubs or competitions than female characters (which tend to be mostly secondary characters in stories not focused on archery when they appear), or archers on war times stories... so idk but I'd say ymmv.
Anyway Kyuu-chan clearly knows what's best (for their stomach at least lol).
i will murder every single commenter here in this thread
"Fug gender roels xddd"
>he quit archery and the band because it was too feminine
where do you people even get this stuff from
You know what is manly? Men accepting themselves and embracing their strengths and interests, be it physical fitness or cooking or anything else. Love yourself ❤️