Title: Save the Earth! Run Over Reincarnate the Heroes!
The Earth is in peril; dimensional gates appear in the modern world spawning demons and monsters that quickly become the top predators that ravage the Earth's ecosystem leading to an age of extinction. Humanity is fighting a losing battle as increasingly high-ranked demons, and monsters enter our world, the power of modern firearms and science are proven increasingly ineffective against beings with monstrous regenerative powers, physical resilience, and magic.
Our MC dies as one of the many civilian casualties to find himself in a new world of swords and magic where legendary heroes exist. Tasked with the god-given mission of bringing heroes and hero candidates to Earth he is bestowed a new transcendent form:
A mind and body that never tire, capable of speeds in excess of 100 mph, a payload capacity in the tons, and fueled (figuratively?) by the heroes he runs over reincarnates to Earth.
One man truck takes it upon himself to chase down the heroes for the sake of his world. Armed with a radar that detects heroes/hero candidates in a 5,000-mile radius he will stop at nothing to fulfill his duty. When monsters and villains threaten the lives of the heroes, he shall appear in a blinding light (fog lights on) to destroy evil, saving the heroes before subsequently making them into road kill.
This is the story of a truck taking the center stage as it turns anything 3D into 2D.
Worship and praise it.
Hide your kids, hide your wife, hide your husband. A bundled family package plan for a one-way ticket to Earth! All your heroes are belong to us. Being ran over reincarnated may or may not be consensual.
The heroes and co. may have an irrational (or rational) fear of trucks after reincarnation.
Trucks are the true saviors of countless isekai worlds, it is now our turn to be saved by one.