Here's a story improvised by a five years old: "The hero, he wants to save a girl from the bad guys, he goes to save her on his super bike. But the bad guys see him, and they shoot a missile. And then, there's an explosion, and the hero jump over it, and he lands on a dinosaurus, and he rides it, and then, and then he shoot the bad guys, but the chief of the bad guys, he has an armor that stop the bullets, so the hero attack him with the laser on the dinosaurus' head, and it cut the armor, and the bad guy is dead, and the hero untie the girl, the end."
That's what I felt I was reading. What really cemented this feeling was when, to stop some bad guy attacking, the MC materialize a castle wall. Not a simple barrier, a wall made of adamantium, orichalcum or whatever indestructible material, but a full 10m/30 feet wide structure, complete with towers and crenelations, just for a few seconds, to stop the single guy running at them from a few meters/yards away, while already being inside a warehouse.
There's showing your MC is OP, and then there's adding lasers to the dinosaurus.