Yari no Yuusha no Yarinaoshi - Vol. 7 Ch. 31 - Every Man Knows His Own Business Best

Sep 26, 2018
It's great that somebody took the scanlation as lhtranslation are trash anyway.
Lagging 4 chapters behind? That's a joke.

Thank you Tanooki!
Active member
Jan 2, 2019
On page 72 I think "You look like that kind of thing, kid" was suppose to say "You look like you like that kind of thing, kid".
the double use of like makes for an easy typo.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 22, 2020
thx for picking this up. n this series is so damn funny n love(never thought using this for motoyasu) reading the wacky time travel adventure of spear hero. just to confirm, this series is a spinn-off/not cannon right ?

yep..just check back the main page n its a spin-off
Dex-chan lover
Aug 26, 2020

This is a spin-off and is technically cannon [but only effects Motoyasu character as the rest of the main timeline characters will be unaffected by it[ based off the light novel post book 20, Motoyasu mind gets broken by the ”Crimson Swine” aka bitch/whore/slut/witch/Malty/Myne and the rest of his party (book 11), at first he was just depressed to the point of despair then Filo though it was unlike him so she tries to cheer him up (Filo biggest regret) but given how Motoyasu has a thing for angels be unlocks the Lust Spear curse series, later in book 15 when one (Naofumi, Raphtalia, Melty) but him seems to be getting Filo's ”love” he shows he also unlock the Envy Spear curse series, and according to the 2nd Reprise of the Spear Hero light novel he unlocked the Wrath Spear curse series off screen in book 15 of Rising of the Shield Hero light novel, in book 20 he gets the Time Spear and unless the fight that Motoyasu gets his mortal wound happens off screen it has not officialy occur in the Rising of the Shield Hero light novels [22 was last released but left on a cliffhanger so more should be coming]
Dex-chan lover
Dec 20, 2018
@happybro I think we can be happy about Tanookis hard work without resorting to namecalling towards a group that has done lots of good and solid work through the years, until real life caught up with them and toppled them over. If not for them, there'd have been an even higher hurdle to catching up.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 29, 2019
Thanks for the translation, been wanting some updates on this as I love the spin-off. And 4 updates is a treat!

We're getting OG Naofumi armor now with the Barbarian set.
Apr 3, 2019

Until now, I thought the pig thing was PTSD. Like, he no longer trusts women, thus refuses to understand a single word they say nor even view them as "people."

You can't be manipulated by a disgusting beast making gross noises.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 26, 2020
Yes that is probably part of it [but do not if a woman is link to Filo he will see them as who they are [like Raphtalia (big sister), Sadeena (Big Sister's Big Sister), Eclair (Big Sister's Friend), Rat (Doctor), Wyndia (Rival), Melty (fiance)] I call him mentally broken as it;s not just seeing women as pigs but his speech patterns change

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