Yeon Lok Heun - Vol. 2 Ch. 56 - Return

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Aug 17, 2019
Wait.... Just..... What? I know her father must have his connections from when he was a "decent" man, but how did he manage to marry the cousin of a guy that obviously is with the military forces of Pyo? And I'm not talking about social standing, what I'm talking about is that Lok's dad is (was?) a wanted guy! (no, I'm not talking about when he went to rob the herbs to save his wife). And obviously they aren't hiding from her family since this guy seems to go to visit pretty often........... Did they elope?

@Tensaitkuroneko I was re-watching that one yesterday!!!! And I can't get enough of him! 🤣 especially the things he says to Hak while chasing him!! 🤣🤣
Jul 24, 2020
She survived the awful demon netherworld and wields a powerful cursed sword. Wtf does Redhead think he’s talking to?? It’s like the author forgets this about her? I’d put my f***ing foot thru that guy if he interrupted my personal business.
Feb 5, 2020
How many sly conniving bastards are in this story? I'd love to punch them all in the gut
Group Leader
Apr 26, 2020
I feel like her gender will leak through him to the emperor. And I'm terribly looking forward to that.
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Jan 5, 2020
@blob The beef of his daughter being forced into servitude of the emperor to pay for his crimes. Of course, some punishment was needed, but I'm quite sure a father would have some grief with a man who basically took his child away. Where he couldn't see her for very long periods of time, not knowing what trials and tribulations she's being subjected to.

It's just an annoying trait I see in lots of manga and manhwa for a character to stick up for their love interest, no matter what the person did to them or their family.
Jul 24, 2020
for God's sake, this woman doesn't have a minute of peace
thanks for the chapter, guys! *_*
Jan 9, 2020
Thanks for another episode! 😍So thankful to see Lok in female form again! 😍

That uncle-n-law appears iffy 🤔
Jan 21, 2018
@cupcakeparty I see your point, but there are some very big buts in this particular case. The father knew the risks well enough when he was going out to steal from the palace, the prince was dealing with a criminal caught red handed (even if it was a misunderstanding) and Lok offered her life first and voluntarily, he just chose to use it rather than to end it, so that actually was a really lucky outcome. Right now she’s following him not because it’s inevitable but by choice so it’s really not her father’s beef to have.
Active member
Jan 5, 2020
@blob I have to disagree with you. The father is absolutely right to be upset with the man. Sure, he knew the risks, but it's quite hard to say the man "knew the risks, so he shouldn't be upset." It's not like he was stealing for nefarious means or greed.

Desperate people will do desperate things for the people they love. He already lost his first wife in a brutal fashion. Potentionally losing his second wife and unborn child would drive anyone to do desperate things, risks or no risks.

Now, due to him trying to save his family his daughter was taken from him. For over 3 years, he didn't know if she was alive or dead. Compounded with the ever present risk of him losing his daughter to a "mission gone wrong" scenario is an overwhelming burden to bear.

I wouldn't say that Lok offered her life "voluntarily." Sure she offered it, but it was under duress. If her father wasn't at risk of being executed, I'm sure she would have never offered her life for a random stranger. Or ask to work for the Emperor on her own.

This was a good outcome, considering the setting and time period of the story, but I'm not going to say that the man doesn't have a right to be angry just because his daughter likes working for the Emperor. His beef is totally warranted.
Nov 5, 2020
Why is everyone hating on the redhead? He's just interested in her and testing her to get more information

Y'all looked at like 4 panels of him and decided that he's an asshole :(

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