YJK no Ijou na Aijou - Vol. 7 Ch. 47 - Gyaru JK’s Editor

Active member
Apr 7, 2018
You know what's actually surprising?

Everywhere I check, the overall Japanese interest for this manga has truly gone barrel bottom (Despite the fact that it actually had a quite decent popularity at the beginning), and it's not like rating wise is any better (Vol 5 was hated, and you could even say killed any popularity left it had) new Vol releases are digital only (Which means that they don't even want to bother with physical releases anymore) and overall the manga seems like it should have been axed a long time ago... yet it still keeps going lol.

Truly a mystery.
honestly at the point i only read it to see what happens as i don't care for the fmc or mc anymore
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2020
Lol I really don't know why the author wrote MC like that. A few volumes ago he was a "chad" that was being admired for being a good editor, and now he is pathetically crying because the girl he fucked as a minor is now moving on.

Are we supposed to emphasize with this wimp? Because every episode I feel worse for her.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 4, 2019
What editor though thats gonna be a good idea to go semi NTR route after a kinda wholesome first series? To add author is keeping oldFMC out of having sex with the new BF cuz boyfriend wants to "treasure" oldFMC and not that long ago he was sleeping with every girl he could and even said it to oldFMC and she was like "i don't give a fuck that you were a playboy".
oldFMC also switched to a new guy way to fast, that you wonder if she rly loved MC.
Mar 30, 2023
this is either a what ifs or the tima gap between marriage & their break up
Active member
Apr 28, 2023
This manga was incredibly messy while it was ending, and then now they kept it going and I can't even tell what the author is doing. Like, where is this going? Why did they revive it? All of it just confuses me.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 25, 2018
The Vol 8 is already out and old FMC is still trying to fk her new bf, MC is still pathetic lmao
I'm peacing out
Group Leader
Mar 7, 2019
I thought this was what happened before the Happy Ending, but rereading the start of this storyline, it says "this was before the marriage... at least it was supposed to be"

So... is it or is it not??? I guess the only way to know is to reach the end of this. Guess MC hasn't suffered enough to earn his happy ending, gotta add Schrodinger's NTR into it, too.
Yeah a lot of people missed that "...at least it was supposed to be" part. It could be an alt timeline where he doesn't get back with the original fmc and gets with the new girl. When I first read the raws that's the first thing I noticed and thought this was going to be a new story with a different ending cus honestly the original was rushed and that ending was shit.
Apr 29, 2023
Hmm first of all thanks subbers and everyone collaborating with this project a very nice thank you.
I like this series, but as I see as many others, confused by mangaka. Why continuing? I believe this never ended. It was not intended by mangaka to finish story with 37 chap or so. Maybe was axed or It was a bait. Now we are not exactly in netorare situation, because FMC and MC are not together, but I believe story will be good if old FMC doesn't appear anymore. It is like love life. You break up, get another girl...
What happened in this chapter...was simply bad. You don't make a MC like this after all trouble he went through and especially after all love he displayed and shown, the he is gonna forget about old love in 4 months. Usually doesn't happen like this.

So there is possible remedy of this...simply take out MC and current FMC, transfer to another city start completely anew. But it didn't happen and probably won't happen at all. And this is what worries me. Because in real life (ok this is manga, but based on real life), how many guys especially guys will be able to work together with ex love? There is always a % of emotions and past involved and usually situation arise which are just bad. And seeing MC how he will do exactly what I typed, will be moment killer, buzz killer...
Thanks for the work, hopefully it continues cuz in the end there is still salvation possible.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2023
What chapter is the happy end supposed to be again? Cause right now I am really not enjoying this series. The main girl sucks, the main guy sucks, everyone just fucking sucks.
Mar 27, 2023
That is so God damn cruel on her part,

Is it a what if? Because in the "ending" chapter it said it was 5 years for them to get married and they went through a lot of bullshit and whatnot to get to that point.
I don't think no one really knows if this is a "what if" scenario with a different girl ending or a flashback of how they end up getting together before the 5 year skip.
Mar 27, 2023
What chapter is the happy end supposed to be again? Cause right now I am really not enjoying this series. The main girl sucks, the main guy sucks, everyone just fucking sucks.
No one really knows if this is a "what if" scenario with a different girl ending or a flashback of how they end up getting together before the 5 year skip.
But to be honest I don't really care, I might come back and check how this ends but the FMC attitude it's really putting me off on reading this.
Mar 27, 2023
Wait give me a minute. I just check this in a whim. WTF happened? Someone spoil me please. Is the femc and mc not together in this series or whatnot?
After getting fired because she expose their relationship in public (specially since she was underage), he was able to build himself as a really successful mangaka editor, he always lacked self confidence but after he became successful, his self-esteem grew he started to take better care of himself, but as a mangaka editor he use to be more involved while working with the mangakas he managed including FMC, but his success lead him to become more distant since he had to spend less time with his mangakas due to his success, so this change cause the FMC to loose interest in MC because he stopped being as involved and passionate in his work as before something that she loved about him, I think the last straw was when they were about to do it and she notice his nails were clean when in the past they never were, so one day she just took off and left him without saying a word, this made MC revert to his old self and he abandoned all his success and fame in order to gain FMC back, all of this happen in the span of a couple chapters, before this everything was going fine later in ch. 36 there was a 5 year time skip were FMC forgave MC after he apologize over 200 times to her and they end up getting married, we all believed that was the end, but the series kept going now from 37-47 we don't know if it's a flash back of how the got back together before the 5 year time skip, or a "what if" ending with a different girl, and FMC getting with some one else.

BTW this is just a summary I do not approve of how FMC rejected MC character evolution has something bad, enough to breaking over with him, he never did "anything wrong", he grew in many positive ways and to be honest him becoming distant as an editor it's actually really normal if we take into account how successful he became, if your loved one becomes successful in his dream job but at the same time grows distant due to the same success I believe this is a valid concern, but the way you go about it it's thru communication as a couple you are supposed to express any concern you might have about the direction the relationship might be heading, but what FMC did was to observe in silence while her resentment grew and ultimately abandoning the entire relationship and giving it as a lost cause.
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Dex-chan lover
Sep 11, 2019
Damn author doing their best to make the originsl Fmc as unlikable as possible huh?

They are definitely not using the theme of an ex moving on in a positive way, they are using this theme to portray her as a villain.

As if moving on from past relationships was a wrong thing in this author's mind.
I'm not sure how Reira is doing it is wrong? She has said it to him plainly in the hospital, it's just the MC just keep on pestering her still despite that, it's her freedom to find someone else when she tried to reject and he didn't listen.
She simply fell out of love from him. And that's kinda normal.
Apr 29, 2023
I'm not sure how Reira is doing it is wrong? She has said it to him plainly in the hospital, it's just the MC just keep on pestering her still despite that, it's her freedom to find someone else when she tried to reject and he didn't listen.
She simply fell out of love from him. And that's kinda normal.
She never really liked him tbh. Never. That's not love. For me she only used him.

Because someone lost passion for manga or is busy....you don't just leave him/her. Simply first need to talk it out.
She got over him like in a minute. That doesn't happen if you love someone.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 17, 2020
I really disliked the first part (where they broke up and whatever) and now I'm disliking this part as well.. I wonder how the author will make it make sense on them getting together again given the 'real ending of them marrying'. What I've been seeing so far, she doesn't love him one bit whatsoever so how the hell does that work.

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