70 000 Yen is close to 530 Euro (~650§$)! How could he not care about that! A prostitute is way cheaper!
The pure gyaru x virgin guy is overused but I'm still a sucker for it and this one might turn out good
The drawing is nice. Yeah, manga, something feel not realistic. but i alway looking for a romance when they are just stranger. and the girl not kind of just go straight in love with MC. I feel potential
She's had sex already. Never had an relationship though
Doubt. judge on her performance it probably not. if she like that the all sex script of her doesn't need inspired from a friend. well, this is manga so.
i think the scanlator follow numbering with the raw site instead from the original, that why it split but that not explained why need split. was it much longer or smthing.
I want to like this for mostly the art's sake but I don't get this as a comedy. Is Betamax intended as a self-insert for Herbivore men? Are his failures supposed to be funny? They mostly come off as sad. Sekitou Elegy does it much better (minus the highschool girl part) if semi-realistic, pervert beta x delinquent comedy is your thing and does a nice job at character growth. I'll check back later with this manga but not too much hope at this point.
Like, does Japan really go postal if their main characters are anything but sad reflections of their pathetic selves? "Oh geez, all I do is apologize and pop boners looking at the panties of teenagers, this guy is just like me" Who fucking reads this shit and is all about it?