Yona of the Dawn - Ch. 261 - Darkness Falls

Jul 1, 2020
We're really nearing the end, 15 years later...

My thoughts on the chapter:
Hak and Soo Won are the sword and the shield that are going to be awakened. Hak, of course, as the shield, has been protecting Yona all this time (including fulfilling Yona's mother's prophecy that he would always protect her).
Soo Won as the sword because he's not afraid to challenge the heavens (and this final arc is probably going to be about challenging fate).
For those who spoke about hating Soo Won, it's a conflicted feeling. It's hard to completely hate someone you once loved deeply. The betrayal changed everything. He hurt Hak and Yona permanently, and I don't believe they can ever be friends again, but Yona and Hak's journey of growth allows them to understand that the kingdom's well-being is more important than their own. It's difficult to hate Soo Won when his goal is the same as Yona's, but their paths are so different. As a king, the decisions Soo Won has made make him worthy of the throne. As a friend, they are unforgivable. And he understands that, regrets it, and suffers because of it. But there's no turning back, and I'm not sure if he would choose a different path if he could.
I imagine this will be a new, difficult arc of even more growth for Hak, who is already at his limit.
Happy to follow this story. I trust it in your hands, sensei Kusanagi.
Aug 20, 2024
Ich habe das Gefühl, dass ich Soo-Wons Geschichte anders verstehe als die meisten Leute. Ich glaube, als er 9 war, wollte er verhindern, dass Yona und Il von den Männern seines Vaters getötet werden. Gleichzeitig wollte er auch, dass das Königreich (wie er zu Gija sagt) nicht angegriffen/zerstört wird. Wir wissen, wie gefährlich Yo-hos Männer sind, ich glaube, irgendwann konnte er keinen Ausweg mehr finden, ohne Il zu töten. Außerdem dachte er offensichtlich, dass seine Mutter das von ihm erwartete. Im Tagebuchkapitel fand ich den 9-jährigen Jungen die ganze Zeit sehr traurig und manchmal auch verängstigt. Das alles führt dazu, dass er als Kind und älter mit Leuten zu tun hat, die ihn zum König machen wollen.

bitte entschuldigen Sie mein Englisch. Ich komme aus Deutschland

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