Yona of the Dawn - Vol. 34 Ch. 194 - Obsession with Red Blood

Apr 5, 2019
; _ ; Kashi is going to die''''' QAQ The dragons are indeed waiting for her. I feel soowon is going to tell on Yona's red hair £.£
Oct 19, 2019
i wonder if thinking abt or being around king hiryuus what triggers the disease since most died older- but yonhi is already like that at 30 smth straight after realizing the truth and soowon, whp was raised so close to yona, got fucked up when he was like 19
Aug 8, 2020
Thanks for the chapter!
King Il really gives off an unsightly vibe. In the end Yona's parents' marriage was nothing more than a deal, it looks like there was no love between them. While it is not surprising for a prince to marry someone to satisfy a political deed, Il's motives and behaviour are led by envy and fanatism, and not by the love for Kouka's people. Kashi said she married Il to fulfill his wish for a red haired child, meaning that she probably had feelings for him, but I can't tell the same from the other side. Il seems just interested in her mystical powers.
Jan 24, 2020
Yonhi's guilt has increased worringly. While I admit she is guilty of passiveness, on the other hand I can't feel like blaming her. The reason why she made a mistake and misjudged the priests was because she was raised up to be afraid of the strangers. Her clan suffered their raids in the past, It was pretty natural for her to identify them as the enemy, hence she warned Yuhon. However she never told him to burn the temple down. She is responsible, but to a certain extent. Her nightmare where she prays only when it is convenient to her, I think she is being too harsh on herself. Wishing your son to survive and live a long a life is not a selfish act. I wonder how she will react to Yuhon's murder, if she will feel the weight of his death too.
Aug 8, 2020
@camberry I thought the same, kinda had a similar theory. I imgined that the distance from the Hiryuu's shrine could mean something. In the same way that the Four Dragons regain their strength near the Castle, peraphs Hiryuu's descendants lose theirs.
Active member
Nov 26, 2019
I'm low key starting to hate King Il. Yuhon was wrong but at least he was trying to protect someone, Il only married and had a child with Kashi because he wanted a suitable heir...I hate him for that. Transactional...cold blooded, almost being manipulative. Ugh.

Parent generation really screwed up the kids generation.
Feb 26, 2019
How presumptuous of Yonhi. It’s like at first she’s like there’s nothing good about being a descendant of hiryuu but when she finds out of Yona’s existence she’s like ‘why do I even exist. Aren’t I supposed to have the one with an important role? Am I just a mother and a simple wife? Aren’t I destined for a greater role? WHY IS IT THIS GIRL” and that scary panel of King Il. I feel like his image became some sort of conscience of Yonhi. She might have twisted his words to an extent cause deep down she knows that she cause the demise of a lot of people (Like she’s denying the existence of the gods, the abilities of the priest/priestess and then now that things are bad, she’s suddenly turning to them for help? talk about HYPOCRISY). and sure she might have been Just an accessory to the crime of burning to death a lot of people but somehow she convinced herself that it was the right thing to do. Why? Cause look despite causing the death of a lot of people, she can still sleep at night and live a fulfilling life. While Kashi lives on with a scar And a pessimistic attitude. In fact she suddenly got all dark and depressing cause she found out that there’s really no grand stage waiting for her since someone who is NOT a king and a descendant of Hiryuu is the reincarnation of him. For all we know she might have started thinking that Su-Won as the future crown prince and the one who carries her blood (Hiryuu’s lineage) is the closest to king Hiryu. And it all came crushing down cause of Yona’s existence and now she’s in a depress like state.

And if King Il is so bad, then didn’t the earlier chapters mentioned how he never got over the death of his wife? He could have married someone from an influential family or someone who’ll act as a mother to Yona if all he really cares about is Hiryuu’s reincarnation Or will he go the a sea of flames to save Kashi if he doesn’t care for her? that’s why I’m sure Il loves Kashi. And he might have Never had the chance to directly tell her about this cause Kashi went through a traumatic experience, was almost burned to death, her face is destroyed, all her companions were killed by His very own brother and he wasn’t able to stop or help her, plus Kashi’s drive in living back then might have just been the prophecy of “yona’s” birth and King Il just let it be because of a lot of factors and he just wants Kashi to find her desire to live.
Apr 7, 2020
It's an interesting perspective of king Il. Honestly, I want him to be a good guy.
As for Yonhi, imo she's just sad that her entire clan, and purpose for her existence was erased. The fact that she has only herself to blame makes it worse.
But she kinda deserved it. She didn't even try to make it up to Kashi after the whole mess. It looks like she wants to be friends with her, but wouldn't even try to put in the effort.
She does come off as selfish, but for different reasons.

Let's just hope that they won't paint king Il to be some bad guy, or the start of all evil.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 13, 2018
@Eunieberry I think it’s less "why aren’t I the special one" and more "what did I go through all this suffering for?". She had to live in seclusion while a disease in her bloodline kills her family young, painfully, and slowly. Her family goes through great lengths to "protect the bloodline",only to find out it all amounts to nothing as the red king was reborn to a different family.
Oct 19, 2019
@TheMomo ACTUALLY that makes sense, it couldve affected king hiryuu himself as well?? since its the same sickness. and thinking carefully, the dragons also don't live long. it couldve smth to do with their souls being naturally unfit for human bodies since they werent people to begin with. as for why the castle would affect their health....mmm no clue but mb smth abt calling them back home into the next plane?

tho i do think being hiryuus descendant is gonna get suwon some Moments during the finale (that scene in the shrine with the dragons bodies on the floor mb?) ANYWAYS NO CLUE BUT im very excited lmao
Active member
Apr 2, 2018
With Yon-hi going through an existential crisis about her and her bloodline's existence--their purpose, now I'm seeing Soo-won not only taking the throne for his father's sake but also to prove something for his mother's sake? I feel like I'm getting a clearer picture of Soo-won not wanting the help of gods or anything that has to do with the prophecy. For his father, he's giving revenge and for his mother, he's proving that they have purpose.

Technically, I guess, Soo-won has blood of the dragons, and he must've felt it too, the connection to Hiryuu as his mother felt when she first saw Yona and the same feeling all the others felt in meeting her. Which I guess has given Soo-won more of a complex to Yona or maybe just to fate, gods, and prophecy in general. Which I think gives some sort of parallel to all the generations of the dragons and their own existential crisis.

Still the question is why was Yona born or I guess reborn lol, I recall Zeno was wondering why'd Hiryuu had come back a few chapters back. The "feeling" that Kashi when she was saved by Il like a "red light" she said.
Aug 8, 2020
@camberry In chapter 102 King Hiryuu himself told Zeno the reason why he was sick was because of the aging up. There is a chance he didn't know about the illness, being him the first. Anyhow Yonhi's father described her daughter how the disease appears when the dragon gods try to summon King Hiryuu back to the heavens and Zeno refers to it just as the "bloodline's illness". These details should mean that Hiryuu didn't suffered from the disease, only his descendants.

I believe that the scarlet disease definitely has a meaning in the plot. Yonhi is desperately looking for it, sadly from the present line informations, we already know she will fail her research. That's probably where Yona comes in. She is going to be affected by these revelations, and I doubt she will leave the Hiryuu's clan alone without trying to help them.

As for the Dragons' short life span, I am looking forward to the day when they will confess it to Yona, who is still unaware about it. I am scared Yona could go through the same guilt process Yonhi is living, since her being the reincarnation of the Red God is indirectly the cause of both the Dragons' and the Hiryuu 's descendants short lives.
Dec 6, 2019
Thank you sooo much for all your hard work and the amazing translations !! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛 looking forward to the next chapter 🙏🏻✨
Apr 20, 2019
I'm feeling the whole Mcbethan/Oedipus tale unfolding in this arc.
So here's a theory that might sink or swim in the next chapter, etc.

Kashi foresaw Soo-won's deed to killing Il, to which she relayed this revelation to Il. Il felt the sense of unease and animosity towards Soo-won because of it.
But here's probably the heartbreaking tragedy of this theory: Yu-hon sent assassins to kill Kashi the minute he found out she was the survivor of the priesthood. His motivation was probably due to her revelation of not only Soo-won's fate, but her fortune telling delivers the tragic blow to future events.
When Kashi died by Yu-hun's assassins, Il might have eventually found out. He never forgave his brother even further, thus, he ends his brother's life; instigating Soo-won's festering emotions.
And everything all comes to a loop, ironically fulfilling Kashi's prophecy that Il will die by Soo-won's hands.

Then you'd ask the question: can one's future truly be set in stone by the word of prophecy? Stories often explore this concept where the more you'd struggle against fate, the closer you are to the inevitable. This arc is indeed an interesting one.
Aggregator gang
Sep 26, 2018
People putting down King Il saying he had no feelings for Kashi and only married her to have the reincarnation of King Hiryuu, but keep in mind that this story is being shown through Yonhi's eyes. Il and Kashi kept their distance from her (for good reason, her husband murdered priests for her 'sake') so it doesn't show the extent of how they came together. In the beginning of the series, it's mentioned that Il truly loved and cared for his wife...and never sought to remarry after she was gone.

Now whether or not Il was a good ruler, that one is up for debate. I personally think that Il was a bad ruler for giving away so many pieces of the country and letting it fall to such a bad state (as we see Yona trying to rectify). But whether or not he loved Kashi? I'm 100% sure he loved her...even though she's in a constant state of depression (again due to Yonhi and her husband), he obviously cared for her and her well-being.

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