Yoru ni Kikasete - Vol. 2 Ch. 8

Dex-chan lover
May 20, 2023
While I dispute the "best friends" part of her statement, I do agree that love can do a number on friendships sometimes.

Also, I hope they're keeping an eye on Itone. That girl might try something crazy sooner rather than later.
Group Leader
May 4, 2023
Miya had been getting better but she's falling back into her bad old habits again. Blaming everything on oneself is just as narcissistic as blaming nothing on oneself. Itone's current situation is the result of everyone's bad choices: Miya's, Yura's, and especially Harutaka's and Itone's herself. Miya needs to stop projecting roles onto people (nobody's a fucking "prince" or "princess") and start seeing them for who they actually are, or else this sort of drama is going to continue happening to her during her entire life. In fairness, each of the four main characters is extremely selfish in their own ways. This is certainly realistic and makes for some interesting drama, even as I find it intensely frustrating lol.

Thanks for the translation!
Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2019
Most of us don't know how to react when we see someone start to become mentally fixated on a person.

So I'm not surprised that a teenage girl has jumped to the wrong conclusion and assumed she was the cause of the emotional distress after witnessing some disturbing behaviour from another teenage girl she feels she has wronged.

Is Miya's conclusion (stick with Yura, ignore Itone) the right one? Maybe not but it's probably the safest one especially if the other classmates have started to sense Itone's fixation.
Aggregator gang
Oct 13, 2020
ok nvm i want miya to spend some time alone and hopefully come to realize her own feelings before she goes on into a relationship

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