...This is a manga with a character that can astral project into people's dreams, and yet, the most unrealistic thing about this is that they could somehow build a case THAT IS APPARENTLY WORKING against him. Like, I don't care about how smart everything else is, that fact is just weighing everything else down
That last sentences...
This isn't an investigation anymore.
"i 1000% sure this person do the KILLING IN HIS DREAM because my friend said she got SLAPPED in her DREAM by this person.
So i'm going to ignore any other possibilities, stop the other investigation and tailing him until he acknowledge it."
how... how did they get the warrant???? who saw this detective saying a man is killing through dreams and did not give him leave for his apparent psychotic break
The conflict between Wataru and the policeman reminds me a little (in a small way) the one between Kira and L.
I think one of the two will do something he will regret, Wataru will kill one of the policemen or Baba will be such a pain in the ass that the policemen decide to kill him.
I imagine that if death note was published today someone would have made the same criticisms that I read in the comments here. I don't mean that they are on the same level, I say that these defects are not important enough to male this manga bad, even one of the most important masterpieces has them
Y'all.. Do you not realize that he can get into others dreams too? Including the brother. Imagine letting a murderer of a teen girl and probably raped her free and not putting HIM into jail for a lifetime