Your Highness, Don't Leave! I Will Lose Weight for You!

Jul 20, 2018
Fat fucks are gross, like serious hey huge chick don't you hate what you've done to yourself? Yikes
Aug 22, 2019
@learasc i would recommend 'holy chef, crazy empress'. it is similar to many Chinese manhua in that the story line diverges into many 'side plots' before going back to the original line. but personally i find the pacing to be quite good, so it;s not too hard to follow. the focus of the story is following our main protagonist as she finds a place for herself, so i wouldn't say that all the side plots are pointless. each of the side plots are also (mostly) explored properly and any unfinished business is brought up again, meaning things don't just happen for no reason. i would say that it is more comedy and adventure based. there IS romance but it's not a main focus. still a good treat though!
Aug 22, 2019
Well she ever become pretty??? Do people see annoying or dumb characters as funny? Because I isn't funny at all.
Apr 14, 2020
This is definitely one of the better chinese manhuas that ive read. Ive seen a lot of trashy ones but this one is pure comedic gold.

Thank you Manga Ru for the updates! If its not asking too much.. Is it possible to have a weekly update in the near future? Teehee
Mar 7, 2019
I feel like this manhua sometimes deals with pretty heavy topics (i.e. suicide, murder) in a rather flippant manner, but still makes for an amusing, compelling read. I actually like that the protagonist is obese, and that she doesn't just make a "magic deal" to get a hot thin body without any effort from her part. Instead, we actually see her exercising and making better dietary choices, which... believe it or not, is not that common in this form of media.

Also, for the people hating on her, and wondering "hOw COulD ShE gET So FaT OMG", it's implied in later chapters that she didn't overeat, and that the food that she did eat was laced with something that caused her to put on a lot of weight very fast.

Something I do wish was played up more are her deductive skills, as well as the knowledge left over from working at a museum of chinese medicine (or whatever it was), but I think we can expect to see more of it in later chapters. For now, recommended.

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
Nov 13, 2019
I enjoyed this in the beginning purely for the comedy, and found the idiotic events in the plot strangely hilarious.

But at Chapter 14, even the comedy isnt enough to maintain my interest. If I were being honest enough (and harsh) I'd say this is typical trashy manhua with no real plot, and it almost feels like the author is only writing for the bucks. But of course that may not be the case.

I'd give it a rating of 4/10 (for the first 14 chapters)
Oct 30, 2019
Thank you for the update.😊

Looking forward to reading the next chps. Hope it gets good.

Btw, I saw the cover on the raw website, and she became thin. Btw, this goes on until chp 170, and probably updating.
Apr 5, 2019
this is actually pretty funny. the ridiculous situations and the hilarious caricatures are quite amusing.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2019
making fun of fat people is pretty low hanging fruit on the comedy tree
it's just lazy and it gets old roughly 10 chapters in
Jan 19, 2020
How come the Mc on the novel has black hair but this one is brown. Or are they gonna pull one of Cn plots of poisoned Hair
Double-page supporter
Jan 20, 2020
As of chapters 120s: Holy the system is such an ass. Shady af. Also she doesn't actually thin down by dieting. The story also gets really weird and a lot happens
but it's funny, sweet and wholesome so imma still read it

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