Lol we all know that MC isn't getting the older gal. He'll learn some lesson from the teacher but end up with his childhood friend.
I don't think so, for a couple of reasons. Firstly, the childhood friend didn't appear until after 12 chapters, which isn't a good sign. Secondly, the tags in the official publication suggest something different:
#エロ: Erotic
#エロコメ: EroticComedy
#ラブコメ: RomanticComedy
#学校 : School
#高校生 : HighSchoolStudents
#先生と生徒 : TeacherAndStudent
#おっぱい : Breasts
#秘密 : Secret
#ドS : Sadistic
#美少女 : BeautifulGirl
#自由奔放 : FreeSpirited
#各話読み切り: SelfContainedEpisodes
#ショート: Short
#日常: EverydayLife
Interestingly, when I tried to get ChatGPT to translate all the tags at once, it blocked the request, citing potential violations of usage policies