That was a very meaty chapter.
First of all, Ms. Maruoka, I love you. Please marry me.
When I saw the title of this arc, my heart immediately sank because that's even more of a dead-end "career" choice than voice acting (especially for a delusional normie), but I'm so happy that the author made the kid a shit-head. I don't doubt that the author has the chops to eventually make me sorry for the little bastard, but I prolly won't feel as bad for him as Mita or Train Boy.
The vice principal character I think is a splendid addition. A narrative is always more interesting when there's an opposing force for the protagonist to grind up against (well, metaphorically. I don't want her to grind on Sensei literally... UNLESS!

). Her last statement is verging on being a tad cartoonishly evil, but maybe she's just really into melodrama?
Also, I would like to mention just how great that whole confrontation in the teacher's room was. It's a common technique used by bullies and bully-types to have "dressing down" conversations in public or semi-public areas, especially against those they perceive to be meek since it makes speaking up akin to "making a fuss" or "causing a scene". Luckily, Yumenashi-sensei really didn't give a shit about that crap and gave as good as he took. Looking forward to more of their interactions.