Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san - Vol. 21 Ch. 182 - Oboro-san On A Deeto

Active member
Aug 22, 2019
you need to realize hibari, your name is not in the title you got no chance, that naivety will become your doom
Dex-chan lover
Apr 18, 2018
@feha I too am glad that Hibari showed the strenght and courage to clearly state that her feelings have priority over anyone else. I hate stories where the characters avoid relationships, even when the feelings are mutual, in order to not hurt their rivals.
For the ending, I'll be fine with either an harem or Yuuna winning (because if we are realistic, the others don't stand a chance) as long as we don't get an open ending.
Mar 15, 2018
Well, that's a progressive move on Oboro's part! And to be honest I can see where she's coming from, an endgame route of everyone being in love with everyone...

But the best part? The final large panel with Hibari on Oboro's arm saying that she does love her. It doesn't get better than that.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
@Lex79 eh, I think time traveler-chan stands a serious chance, she did win once already after all. And hibari too, she is direct enough to make a dense harem protagonist learn of her feelings and aggressive enough to not be forgotten without actually becoming annoyingly intrusive like oboro or a few others (actual real stalkers). As for oboro, I can see her achieving her goal too, that is, making a child. You don't need love for that, and she wants it for herself anyway so no responsibility for mc and whoever he picks. A few others have a chance, but I don't see it being probable.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018

I fail to see why single pairing endings are any better, it ultimately means that all the romantic interactions with the other girls were totally worthless as they never amount to anything, they shouldn't have been made into potential love interests as opposed to just firmly remaining platonic friends (I despise pointless love triangles just for providing a "rival" too, IMO either it's a harem or everyone else has separate love interests that they get together with). Especially since harem manga never have the girls actually deciding to (and succeed in) find(ing) someone else (because of course, you can only EVER love one person forever and ever and never find a second love or come to care for two people at the same time).

Why bother to make it a harem genre manga instead of just a regular romance manga if you're just going to narratively string along the girls, get people invested in them, and then go "lol sorry X wins because they're the first girl/main focus you all wasted your time thinking anyone else had a chance lol".

Also good realistic harem endings where people actually work together for the relationship to occur and put in effort to making sure everyone gets along and no one is ignored are rare as fuck. The "harem endings" you dislike are probably the ones where it's just "lol let's just share". That said, I'll even take one of those bad harem endings over supporting a romance with a girl that loses (especially if said girl only loses for a stupid reason that comes out of nowhere).

Hell Polyarmory (What "harem endings" are in IRL) is a perfectly workable relationship and I'd rather see more of it being portrayed properly in a manga than yet another boring monogamous relationship that gets dragged out for 100s of chapters before only solidifying in the last chapter/epilogue.

EDIT: also Hibari going on about Polyamory being "wrong" just honestly ticks me off I guess. Same way whenever a manga goes on about boys liking boys and girls liking girls being "wrong" or "weird" (and that's why the MC/Other character shouldn't do it)

@Lex79 Personally I'm hoping a harem ending occurs but Hibari gets left out, she doesn't want to share? Well the other girls don't have to share with her if she won't share with them :3
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
Man, I still kinda wish that Oboro ends up with her original master, that ryuu family successor that I can't remember the name of.
That playboy that stopped being playboy after one-punched by mc.

Whatever happen to his special training anyway
Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
@1986ctcel single pairings are better because then the author can focus screen-time on fewer characters, allowing for more depth/flesh to be established, and piling romantic tropes on singular characters. Another advantage is particularly how it (the subplot) has much more of an impact/gravitas than ones with characters you don't even remember, much less care about.

I am strictly in the same camp and agreeing with you though regarding "all the romantic interactions with the other girls were totally worthless and they shouldn't have been made into potential love interests as opposed to just firmly remaining platonic friends". While not all of it is worthless, as love-triangles does have some tropes that add to a romance subplot, the vast vast majority of it is. I would have preferred to have a smaller and less forgetful cast (I don't even remember the name of all the characters I see having a proper shot at winning the sole-heroine ending), and less filler for various characters that could have been spent on actually furthering any kind of subplot. And that smaller cast would include a reduction of its subset romantic-targets. Honestly, I am kinda annoyed at how in literary works it is usually considered impossible for a male mc to have female friends, they are always shoehorned in as romantic targets no matter what. It was why I liked sinon in SAO up until they suddenly decided to make her a romantic target in the alice arc.

As for the rare good harem endings, you will notice they all have something in common: they dont have more romantic targets than letters in a tweet. This manga (and most others) does. So yes, there are some rare few good ones, but claiming that makes the opinion (which btw was in regards to this specific manga, but I could use it in general too, so lets pretend it was) wrong is still incorrect. Those few are just that, exceptions. And besides that, this was a subjective opinion, so it couldn't be wrong even if they weren't exeptions. Which is why I can say that even those exceptions still fail to make me care much more for the cast than even a slightly-above-average regular romance-story would. Like I said in my first paragraph, the main difference is in the sheer screen-time allotted.

As for real life, unsure why you even mention them. I don't have a habit of people-watching/gossiping for entertainment, so I am inclined against using real life relationships as arguments for why a literary one (aka one made for entertainment) can be good or not.

edit: regarding your edit, I dont think she ever said it was wrong (as an idea. what she said was that it is wrong for her). Though yeah, she was a bit too against it simply on principle, than I like. But that is also why I think her response showed integrity: she has always struck me as someone who wouldn't share and sees it as anathema, so if she had suddenly compromised on that it would feel like just that, a compromise
Dex-chan lover
Apr 18, 2018
@feha the problem is that Chisaki won due to a series of circumstances that turned out into a bad ending and other girls like Hibari, Karura and Oboro if I remember correctly have been already rejected once. Plus, we all know who is the main heroine and Kogarashi even confessed his feelings for her, although we didn't get any real development out of that. I like almost all the heroines and I'd hate to see them heartbroken but sadly for them this manga is about Yuuna.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 27, 2018
EDIT: also Hibari going on about Polyamory being "wrong" just honestly ticks me off I guess. Same way whenever a manga goes on about boys liking boys and girls liking girls being "wrong" or "weird" (and that's why the MC/Other character shouldn't do it)
I agree with feha here: I think Hibari wasn't saying "it's wrong for everyone", but "it's wrong for me". She likes Kogarashi and Kogarashi alone, she feels she'd be jealous even in Oboro's harem utopia, and she's aware of her selfishness in that regard. She's not trying to convince Oboro that she too should feel the same, only that poliamory is not for her. Which, yeah, fair enough. Oboro later blames it on "different views of the world", suggesting that it's a matter of customs and values, not the relationship being good or bad per se.

Personally I'm hoping a harem ending occurs but Hibari gets left out, she doesn't want to share? Well the other girls don't have to share with her if she won't share with them :3
To be honest, a harem ending where not everyone makes it to the harem precisely because they desire a monogamous relationship, even if it means they'll be left out, it's something I'd like to see in a series, even if it's not this one. It would give more agency to the haremettes, and give more depth to their feelings and tastes beyond "I love this person". Love can't always conquer all.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
@feha because I've seen tons of people in comments claim its "unrealistic" for a harem ending to happen in a manga or that monogamy is the only workable solution and anything else is "pandering" or a "cop out" even when the alternative would be heart-breaking (ala Kin no Kanojo, Gin no Kanojo where one of the love interests losing would have meant her death).

Single parings allow for more focus yes but this is a shonen romcom manga, there's likely not going to be any real solid development until the very end after 100s of chapters of filler so it doesn't change much to me (an annoying amount of manga just end after the couple gets together and only have it occur in the last chapter). Personally if I'm looking for a good romance with development after becoming a couple I'd prioritise going for a more serious shoujo/seinen manga instead of a fanservice one like this.
Double-page supporter
Oct 6, 2018
Looks like a certain "peach" in another manga just lost to Oboro as far as crazy plans are concerned.

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