Is it me, or is this better drawn than the main series?
I wouldn't say better drawn, Itagaki's art has gotten very refined over the years so looks deceptively simple, but really it takes extreme skill to draw like he does. Plus, what we see of Baki is just the digitised version. His art must look a thousand times better on the original manuscripts.
What it really is is just that Yuria Fujita has a stronger style
and is a faster working artist, being pretty young. It's a lot easier for them to crack out these super fleshed out chapters on a monthly basis compared to Itagaki who is (supposed to be) on a weekly schedule.
They've both got their own strengths and weaknesses owing to their age and time constraints, so I don't know if it's fair to say one is better than the other. Preference is a different thing though, and sometimes I myself prefer Fujita's artwork. Mainly their watercolour and ink wash pieces.