Yuugai Shitei Doukyuusei - Vol. 2 Ch. 30 - Miyakonojou-san Worries

Dex-chan lover
Aug 26, 2020
@Midoriha @mommunism @KZO
Midoriha , Yatsu(FMC) is simply not open and embarrass in sharing her sexuality. She's not asexual. What's more concerning is the sexual addict Miyako. FMC very good friend Miyako /s, not only denies that she is a sexual addict ,therefore denying she possibly has a serious (mental)problem, but also deflects and tries to gaslighting the FMC in thinking that she is the one with the problem- Miyako to FMC "You have some sort of illness" and "why don't we get you checked out at a hospital?" . Wow, what a manipulative friend. Let us not forget, that she often guilt shames the FMC into doing several sexual things before. Miyako toxic behavior has been played off for comedic effect and to be honest, I laughed a couple of times from Miyako idiocy. But seeing Miyako pretending that she doesn't have a sexual addiction and then deflects and tries to gaslights the FMC into thinking she's the one with problems and not mentioned all previous guilt shaming tactics she done on the FMC makes me realize that Miyako is a really shitty , toxic, and manipulative friend.


Group Leader
Oct 3, 2019
@_thestranger_ I think you’re reading too much into it. I don’t think there’s a reason to think she’s trying to “gaslight” Miyako here, she genuinely is concerned because she’s kinda dumb.

I’m not the author so my opinion isn’t really worth more than anyone else’s, but I think the tendency to view Reika as a manipulative person orchestrating things to have her way is generally misplaced. I think the reason the manga works is because she genuinely is just like this.
Aggregator gang
Nov 3, 2019
@sgn good reply.

imagine taking a gag manga too seriously. the chapter put me in a good mood, i head into the comments to read any funny comments about the chapter, then i see someone reading into it like they're a psychiatrist. really destroyed my mood.
Aggregator gang
Oct 13, 2018
@_thestranger_ She's not trying to gaslight when she says it's an illness, she's just genuinely delusional about sex. Everybody knows that she's manipulative and toxic. You're not saying anything profound here. It just doesn't matter unless it's convincing people to change their real views on sex, and I'm pretty sure people who actually get convinced by this (like Midoriha) are rare exceptions to the rule.
Jul 11, 2019
@_thestranger_ Ignore all the idiots here, there is nothing wrong with over-analyzing things. Doing so can provide unique viewpoints and insight. So again, there is nothing wrong with over-analyzation as long as you don't let it get in the way of your enjoyment of the source material.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 26, 2020
@sgn @fetrorunk @Bluehammer12 @mommunism @Midoriha
I'm glad sgn for sharing your difference of opinion, makes conversations interesting. Fetrorunk and Midoriha, I'm completely aware this is a comedy (that's how I'm able to read this) and that you really have to turn off your brain for stuff like this. It's just sometimes I don't turn of my brain for reasons. Sorry for my comment triggering you fetrorunk and Midoriha, I just saw it as harmless fun being analytical despite it being a comedy (p.s. I actually was majoring as psychiatrist but I switch majors lol, by no means do I claim to a expert though). Sometimes the absurdities in mangas is something I can't help to point out, regardless of genre. Back to sgn,we don't know the thought internal process for Miyako because we don't really have much internal dialogue from her since she isn't the main character. So neither me or you can prove the she is or isn't truly a manipulative person because just in real life, you can't truly know what a person is thinking. However, I would argue that her actions come off as manipulative whether she being intentional about it or not. So even if she really is naïve, horny idiot with no bad intent, her actions and the results from her actions are the same as someone with bad intent. For example, Miyako guilts the FMC in taking her back after she kissed her without her consent (Miyako throws a teary tantrum right in front of the MC and doesn't stop till she's forgiven). Miyako does this several times in a similar fashion in having the FMC forgive her and go along with her requests. That's what being manipulative is. So even Miyako dosen't have the thought proccess of being a manipulative person orchestrating things to have her way is generally, her actions still comes off and end with the same results as manipulative person regardless of bad intent or not.
I completely aware this is a comedy, I just didn't have my brain shut off and I just couldn't help in pointing out shitty behavior. I still enjoy reading this and at the end of the day it's just a work of fiction.
Bluehammer12-Thanks man, I find the discourse enjoyable.
mommunism-not trying to be profound, just sharing my thoughts. I am aware of my bias in thinking that she's gaslighting the MC but I do still think objectively her actions are a bit manipulative.
Aggregator gang
Oct 13, 2018
@Midoriha There is palpable irony to you saying this after being the first person here to try and draw a real-life lesson from this gag manga.

@_thestranger_ Lengthily explaining something that everybody already knows makes it sound like you think you're being profound, especially if you're making every other sentence bold. Overanalyzing is fine, but don't waste your time stating the obvious. I think it's often justifiable to kill the mood of other manga readers, but this manga is about as harmless as they come. Midoriha was the only person trying to take the toxic elements of the chapter seriously.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 26, 2020
@mommunism @Midoriha @@sgn
Well I can't say I was trying to be profound, I just bold stuff when I write lengthy stuff for points, I can't deny that I did give a shit about what happened in this chapter and shared my thoughts. I personally just found it found it enjoyable in analyzing and having discourse at the the topic at hand with people like sgn and youself mommunism. Personally, I'm not to judge on whether when to be analytical or not. I guess "you do you" is my advice on it. People will always disagree and agree on what you say as in life.


Group Leader
Oct 3, 2019
You are right that it's impossible to know for sure how much of what she does is intentional manipulation or not. Personally, I think the few times we do get things from her perspective (and how bad she seems to be at lying) makes it easier to believe that she really doesn't intend to do anything to hurt Miyako. You are pretty much completely right though. Whether she intends to or not Reika is extremely poorly socialized, which in addition to the general way she is (+her fragility) does result in bad behavior.

I don't think it's bad to think that much on these series either, by the way. I've been thinking about some of this stuff myself since before I started working on the manga too, deciding if I wanted to do it or not or whatever, cause a lot of definitely is kind of iffy? And there um, will definitely be a lot more material to fuel the Miyakonojou interpretation debate. I just never like, saw this particular chapter or scene as part of that questionable category.
The "reading too much into it" comment was mostly about the gaslighting thing, which I think definitely would require a certain level of malintent that I don't think she has been shown to have, nor really makes sense for the context of the scene or the series as a whole. Even if you do assume she's manipulative, there's levels, and some scenes just make more sense to take at face value, imo.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 26, 2020
Conversing with you and others have changed my mind on the gaslighting (maybe I was really reading it hard and putting bad intent on Reika lol) although Reika's behavior really is not healthy and her actions do come somewhat manipulative. If I'm being really charitable towards Reika and assume no bad intent, Reika's is like a kid who throws a tantrum or cries a river to get what they want which is being manipulative. Some kids are conscience about this cause and effect, some aren't but the result is the same-they do something to get what they want therefore being manipulative.

It's just sometimes I don't turn off my brain when I reading manga and get caught on the absurdity of characters actions/personalities. I just couldn't help myself this time around lol. I'm glad I was able have a conservation with others like yourself despite having difference of opinion. But yeah, I enjoy the witty humor in this manga despite me getting caught in the manga absurdity every now and then.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 20, 2019
Thank you for the chapter, though I feel when the day comes and Reika finally does win over Miyako her being interred in an iron lung at that point will keep her from being able to enjoy the moment.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 29, 2023
Finally lmao she admits to being horny even if slightly

She keeps pushing it though lmao, made her think that she was the one in the wrong

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