Considering the situation, he should've gotten a pass either way. No need to count the official score by the rules. Being able to adapt and overcome is kind of important for an adventurer.
Kyunei healing people is cute.
Watchfox, not a watchdog, yet she follows him like a puppy.
You do get a reward for helping lower ranked adventurers. You get the lower ranked quest rewards. Nothing says you always have to take the highest possible quests.
Comparing yourself to other people when you've got widely different life experiences is just self-defeating. Give yourself a goal, sure, but don't beat yourself up because you're not there right now.
That actually looks like a scratch you can get and not notice.
If she wants to be sneaky, it's a good time to claim the missing part of the reward was more than it was, so she can give him more money. And also, just go in. She has an excuse, and she knows she wants to.
Asking the real question. She's not shy about getting to the point. Unlike the fox.
Hope she's down for a harem.
I hope there won't be too many of them in that case. Quality generally drops with quantity.
Just plain normal for a couple. Well, maybe not whole night, but I doubt that's literally meant.