While the whole old party is suffering hard because the one guy who did all of the menial work is gone is painfully cliche at this point, the whole while you're suffering, I'm having the time of my life screwing your mom angle makes it much funnier than it should be.
Also, this time it also seems to be using the somewhat refreshing angle of "we are not pissed at the guy that did everything is not here after we kicked him out, we are pissed at ourselves that can't do it ourselves"
Which... is sad that it
is refreshing. But so many others seem to be "how dare you leave after we kicked you out and take the skills we did not care that you had until we had to do it ourselves with you!"
So... not surprised if
this hero gets redeemed by the end, unlike so many others.
First wive approved for another 3 wives, way to go lad.
More like "giving him the harem was her plan all along" it seems.
I am... not sure what to think of this.
I mean you literally fire your party manager, what did you expect dear Hero?
Things happen automagically, of course.
Funny because in this case it is justified - dude
did not even notice he had or needed a manager or paperwork.

Ms. receptionist knew for a long time that her own chances with him are slim.
Are they? Because... well, we
already know he gets a harem so...
Well, we know his preference, but we are not limited to liking them are we?
Plus we only knew he is not into the hero's party's girls, but now we know he also mom'ed them. Kinda hard
not to see them as little children at this point for him.
This one, on the other hand, he only knows at a professional level, and he knows she is capable of taking care of herself...
Uhm, sorry. It seems I am
still more into the "side character that we only see for a bit" pairings.