- Message from our translator. -How did お姉さん get translated as "auntie"???
If he meant "auntie" in Japanese he would have said おばさん and not お姉さん, and that was the word she actually used for herself. If she had meant to refer to herself as a grandma, she would have used おばあさん. She was calling herself an auntie, and he was saying he thinks of her more as an older sister.- Message from our translator. -
It's among the translations I've seen used for the word in other places. In Japan, that would be used to describe someone in their late teens, early 20s, and while its literal meaning is elder sister or young lady, none of those quite fit what the author was going for. Auntie, in my opinion, does fit for a few reasons. It acknowledges that despite the age, she's still quite young, and not the image of a grandma that she has of herself. Usually aunts are depicted as 30 year olds, 40 if pretty old,in Japan, which translates to around 18 to 22 in this world, so that part would also fit. There are probably other words I missed out on that could have suited that line, like maybe young lady, but at the time, none of them occurred to me.
If I had to give a scale I would say (on my opinion):There's a lot of cultural factors that can play a part as well. There are some periods in both the ancient and medieval world when the average age of marriage for women might have been fairly low, as low as 20. These periods are bookended by periods of history where the average would be more like 25, not too far off from most modern figures. There's no indication that for these periods, fertility or health was a factor, so the influence may have been cultural, though likely in terms of influx of under-16yo marriages.
That being said, even taking that into account, I don't think there is any known culture where women over the age of 20 are considered completely expired goods. It would simply be a hugely unrealistic waste, and it's unlikely that any arbitrary cultural trend of preference for younger women would be able to overturn that entirely. At worst, a woman past 25 years or so might be considered a "B-pick", pretty much the same as today with impressions of women over 30. And we may joke about them being old, but generally people would have been considered old only when they were incapable of working. Even in the ancient world, that would at least have been at worst around 50, but usually 60~70 same as today. This would be independent of the average life expectancy...a culture could consider someone old at 60 but have an average life expectancy of 55 for various reasons.
What?Why show that panel of mommy having sex with someone else? Little me went from | to / and finally __
You mentioned seeing a panel of her having sex with someone else, while it's only shown mc.What?
This is referencing to the time she had sex 10 years ago, not her having sex with the MC.You mentioned seeing a panel of her having sex with someone else, while it's only shown mc.